W.A Sth West Busa Run 2013 - World Domination III
Best 2012 red?
best bike hay......... hmmm
World Domination III
Nov 2013

It's Getting Very Close Yes

OK for all you Fence Sitters I've got less than a week to get everything locked in so for those of you that haven't got back to me yet it's time to pull your finger out and just get with the programme and join us on your Busa

So Come on all you WA Guys & Gals it's time to get things locked in so I can finalise everything, thanks to all that have locked in already much appreciated & for those that have confirmed there intentions...Pi_thumbsup....

Paid / Confirmed for Weekend - 40 Trophy

1. Rev004 (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
2. Huls (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
3. Hayabusavich (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
4. Kiwi HP2 (4 Days - Confirmed - BMW)
5. Fabian (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
6. Landmine (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
7/8. Rudi & Juan(Son) (3 Days & 2 Nights - Confirmed - Busa)
9/10. Munkers & Debbie (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
11/12. Mark & Emma (Munkers Friends) (4 Days - Confirmed - ??)
13. Duc13 (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
14/15. Outlaw & Rachel (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
16. Bazza (3 Days & 2 Nights - Confirmed - Ducati)
17/18. Conscuba & Michelle. (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
19. Jodestar (4 Days - Confirmed - GSXR750)
20. Peter (4 Days - Confirmed - BMW HP4)
21. Belzybob (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
22. Flanno (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
23. Matt (4 Days - Confirmed - 750 Honda)
24. Roo Boy (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
25/26. Yards & Donna (4 Days - Confirmed - B King)
27. Richard (3 Days & 2 Nights - Confirmed - 1000 Honda)
28. Muchacho - Support Vehicle (4 Days - Confirmed - Hilux)
29. Shiro Taka (3 Days & 2 Nights - Confirmed - Busa)
30. Lucky 85 (Kal) (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
31. Coose (Mark) (3 Days & 2 Nights - Confirmed - VTR1000SP)
32 Bill Barrett (4 Days - Confirmed - FJR1300)
33/34. Bartman & Gloria (Kal) (4 Days - Confirmed - ???)
35. Darren (Kal) (4 Days - Confirmed - Panigale)
36. nzrando (Kal) (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
37. Andy (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
38/39/40. Axe, Tash & Tash's Brother (6 Days - Confirmed - Busa)

Maybes - 4

1. Andcad
2. Highlander
3. Kirupt
4. Camel

Cheers Rev004 Very Happy
T'shirts will be getting printed shortly so if you want one, two or more let me know via email.
If you a have already sent me an order prior to this email you are already on the list.
I'm just waiting to confirm the price but should be around the $26-30 mark as previous years.
Will post up bank details when price is confirmed.
All you will need to do is EFT the monies using your forum name.
If you are paying for more than one person send me an email once you have paid.

Remember, "You Can"t Piss on What You Can't catch!"
World Domination III
Nov 2013

It's Getting Very Very Close Yes

OK I would like to thank everyone that has paid and confirmed there attendance and hopefully we can live up to the expectations that we've set the last couple of times we've done this.

Roo Boy is odering the shirts shortly and will be confirming the prices so that will be the next step for us so when the payment is required it would be appreicated if everyone could assist with this one.

Anyway I will be sending out an update shortly with a couple of documents and if people could please have a read of them we are hoping that it will make the run more enjoyable so until then start getting your bikes ready and don't leave it to the last minute.

Paid / Confirmed for Weekend - 41 Trophy

1. Rev004 (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
2. Huls (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
3. Hayabusavich (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
4. Kiwi HP2 (4 Days - Confirmed - BMW)
5. Fabian (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
6. Landmine (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
7/8. Rudi & Juan(Son) (3 Days & 2 Nights - Confirmed - Busa)
9/10. Munkers & Debbie (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
11/12. Mark & Emma (4 Days - Confirmed - ??)
13. Duc13 (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
14/15. Outlaw & Rachel (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
16. Bazza (3 Days & 2 Nights - Confirmed - Ducati)
17/18. Conscuba & Michelle. (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
19. Jodestar (4 Days - Confirmed - GSXR750)
20. Peter (4 Days - Confirmed - BMW HP4)
21. Belzybob (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
22. Flanno (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
23. Matt (4 Days - Confirmed - 750 Honda)
24. Roo Boy (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
25/26. Yards & Donna (4 Days - Confirmed - B King)
27. Richard (3 Days & 2 Nights - Confirmed - 1000 Honda)
28. Muchacho - Support Vehicle (4 Days - Confirmed - Hilux)
29. Shiro Taka (3 Days & 2 Nights - Confirmed - Busa)
30. Lucky 85 (Kal) (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
31. Coose (Mark) (3 Days & 2 Nights - Confirmed - VTR1000SP)
32 Bill Barrett (4 Days - Confirmed - FJR1300)
33/34. Bartman & Gloria (Kal) (4 Days - Confirmed - ???)
35. Darren (Kal) (4 Days - Confirmed - Panigale)
36. nzrando (Kal) (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
37. Andy (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
38/39/40. Axe, Tash & James (Tash's Brother) (6 Days - Confirmed - Busa)
41. Camel (4 Days - Confirmed - Busa)

Maybes - 4

1. Andcad
2. Highlander
3. Kirupt
4. Phil

Cheers Rev004 Very Happy
Hi Guys and Gals I thought that I would post up about a small issue that has the potential to land people in the poo for a better word about the Go Pros that people have been fitting to their vehicles and with us heading down Sth it's something that I think needs to get mentioned.
The advice that I have been given is if anyone was thinking of taking their Go Pro Cameras or the like that they are better of left at home as a few people here in WA have put themselves into some serious shit due to footage that they have captured on their cameras so I'm asking if people were thinking of this could they leave them at home. It would be nice to get some footage but from what I've been told it's not worth the crap that will come afterwards and believe me this has come to me on very good authority and this is not just one it's from a couple of sources.

So please if you were thinking about it could you please leave the gear at home as it may implicate others in the group if someone just happens to have something go wrong...

Cheers Rev004
I know who you've been talking to!
I like to be off the radar and don't like my photo taken. I am not that photogenic.
(24-10-2013, 12:08am)Rev004 Wrote: So please if you were thinking about it could you please leave the gear at home as it may implicate others in the group if someone just happens to have something go wrong...

Cheers Rev004

As mature and law abiding riders, there's nothing worth recording anyway......
Government certified carpet muncherDrool
(26-10-2013, 11:34am)Belzybob Wrote: As mature and law abiding riders, there's nothing worth recording anyway......

Yeah! Right!
(26-10-2013, 11:34am)Belzybob Wrote: As mature and law abiding riders, there's nothing worth recording anyway......

Gee Ian Camel I reckon there was some funny stuff that would have been good to have on footage just to keep those people honest I reckon..Very Happy
Maybe just the go pro for the night time activities

(28-10-2013, 12:19pm)Rev004 Wrote:
(26-10-2013, 11:34am)Belzybob Wrote: As mature and law abiding riders, there's nothing worth recording anyway......

Gee Ian Camel I reckon there was some funny stuff that would have been good to have on footage just to keep those people honest I reckon..Very Happy

I agree some of the cornering styles would have caused a great deal of mirth and were an annoyance to a certain HP2 rider!

laughter, gaiety, or merriment
[Old English myrgth; compare merry]
mirthful adj
mirthfully adv
mirthfulness n
mirthless adj
mirthlessly adv
mirthlessness n
Government certified carpet muncherDrool
And the mirror I took off an erratic wagon full of drug-f****d surfies.
I agree some of the cornering styles would have caused a great deal of mirth and were an annoyance to a certain HP2 rider!

By cornering style I assume you mean the bit where, apart from a few of the busa's at the front end, you all arrived at the corner at what ever speed,then proceded to park the bike in the middle of the corner, get your trainer wheels out and wheel the thing around the corner, hop back on, light the touch fuse, hang on for the ride along the straight to the next scary corner, crap yourself, get the trainer wheels out and repeat. I remember a certain lady on a Ducati 750 managing to embrass most of you by carrying a shit load more corner speed simply because she carried the same speed down the straight around the corner and so on, hardly touched the brakes, didn't gas it up, just gentle acceleration. preditable and smooth, that is why I was happy to ride with her all day,and we managed to pass most of you. She was never out of shape, never on the wrong side of the road.

Stands back and waits for the howls of indignation to start.
Come on bite, you won't be able to help yourself.

While you are of sharpening your replys try reading this, http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/flashb..._ienatsch/
Pretty much sums up my belief to riding on the road.

The man was a seriously fast AMA and GP rider. Head instructor for Freeddie Spencer rider school for 12 yrs. Might know a thing or two.

Bring on the run I can't wait.


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