Cool Fuel bike vid
Found this on You Tube...good fotage you will like it

I know I did

OZ Fuel bike vid Regards Richard

“Racing is living, everything else is just waiting”
That guy who crossed into the other lane is Scott Commins.
Gotta give him credit for that ride he kept on the throttle the whole time. <i></i>
Now that makes a lot more sense, when I went

back to have another look I saw that he put it up on You Tube

Regards Richard

“Racing is living, everything else is just waiting”
Surprising hey Richard.
A lot of people gave him shit on the forum but he has done the hard yards.

Leonard found the vid and burnt it for Scott a while back, when he showed me I stood there with my mouth open, I was dumb struck that some guy who I thought was "special" rode a wild fueler like that. <i></i>
Quote:A lot of people gave him shit on the forum but he has done the hard yards.

Yep you can't write off anyone in this sport, you just don't

know what they have done in the past

All tho I did stumble onto a U.S drag bike forum and found

him telling them all how bad it was down here to race...

I thought that was a little seeing he hasn't ( to my

knowledge) turned a wheel in anger for a while

and IMO it's not like that at all, Regards Richard

“Racing is living, everything else is just waiting”

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