OZ Drag Bike Down again..
So has any one got any info on what's going on with the site

he has a lot of Spammers on there so they may have put some

bugs in the system Regards Richard

“Racing is living, everything else is just waiting”
From what I have heard I wouldnt expect the forum to be up and running for a while either.
Griffo has got the shits with the spammers big time, they had started posting up porn pics in there threads. <i></i>
I was talking with him last week and he said as Cas has said the spammers are pissing him off and he works way too many hours and cant control the site from work so at the moment his is seriously thinking of shutting the site down totally he reckons drag racing in Australia isnt big enough to warrant him keeping the site open but dont stress yet guys i am gonna have another chat with him and see what i can do to help in the running of it Cheers Bill

The man without a bike

Please do Bill , registration process or approved members only posting would be better than the BS .

Otherwise i thought the site is great and visit daily <i></i>
Bill let him know that the site is dearly missed. I visited daily like many others and hope it can be reborn. Maybe a more involved registration process??

Good luck. Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
Hope he sticks with it. Been a good site with lots of input and help for alot of people that drag race bikes. Leigh <i></i>
Quote: registration process or approved members only

That would stop alot of the crap on there. I hope it gets up

again. Is there any thing that we can do to help

Regards Richard

“Racing is living, everything else is just waiting”
Unfortunate to here its getting too much for Griffo, the site meant a lot to many people, often went there for my daily Drag Racing fix myself. Hope something can be resolved soon.

I come across another Drag Racing Site based in Australia. It was never intended to be ADB's competition, more aimed at the Regional Tracks and what they are up to. With the advent of whats going on, thought it was worth sharing.


Shayne <i></i>
Thats CLIVE REMMER AKA 03gixxerpilot, him and Grant got the

stunting started up our way. He's a good bloke.

That just looks like his own page no other links on there.

Shayne what else can you do with your own site

Regards Richard

“Racing is living, everything else is just waiting”
Hi Richard

If you hover your mouse over the Christmas Tree different Menu's come up.

Haven't decided on what I am doing with my Forum as yet, its not seeing a lot of action. Might close it or advertise it more to drum up some interest.

Shayne <i>Edited by: aBUSa at: 30/11/06 23:28


Shayne <i></i>
ok guys just had a lenghty convo with Griffo on the forum issue and lets just say dont hold ya breath He said he didnt wanna dump the whole Forum idea but someone has forced him into this situation it might come back bigger and stronger than before but then again he might call it quits I guess its a wait and see what happens kind of thing now so lets hope for all is good and it comes back

Oh and my Bike should be here Saturday morning Cheers Bill

The man without a bike

Thanks Shayne..looks like all the Nutters are rolling up

there Regards Richard

“Racing is living, everything else is just waiting”
Hey Richard,

Who may I ask are you calling a Nutter?

Am I to be offened???

Cheers Dee <i></i>
I thought all Ford F250 racers are nutters
Regards Richard

“Racing is living, everything else is just waiting”

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