Melbourne - Wednesday Lattes
Well might have to hunt down the sunnies if this weather keeps happening. Who's on for tommorow night? Will probably head on down again for a very hot chili kabab and a few cool ones to wash it down See ya's all there <i></i>
Yep I'm in..i Cheers,
Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography, Bullshit Artist?
Z Web World

Hey... Count me in!!
Weather looks good!

See ya there,

Bazoo. <i></i>
Looks like i will have to give it a miss tonight unless someone can give me a lift? Phuck its the phantom!<i></i>
I'm leaving home to head up there now. Hold on there's a cloud in the sky shit.......................

It's okay, it's gone now, see ya there...

Stewie Mac

wasn't the same without ya Rocketman.
Fark I may have to give u a lift next time...
what happened to Bee?? Cheers,
Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography, Bullshit Artist?
Z Web World

Did you miss me darling? Or was there no other non busa riders to hang shit on?
Bee is only good for about once a month as he has family commitments.When the weather gets a bit better(as in warmer) i might be able to get that soft little pee wee Tony to bring me down. So was never ending there,you could alway hang shit on him as he has seen the light and bought a Honda. Phuck its the phantom!<i></i>
plenty of Busas Rocket,
Ronnie Ramjet, Dirtbags, Stewie, Neverending, Groberts, Baldy Bo and a few blowins on Honda's and shit... Cheers,
Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography, Bullshit Artist?
Z Web World

<i>Edited by: Djpete&nbsp; at: 25/8/05 12:40 pm
Tell the truth Pete. YOU said you missed him as we needed someone to hold our crash helmets while the groupies looked at our busas.

And someone to get the coffees, someone to get the hot chocolates, someone to get the wine, someone to get the bourbon, someone to get the beer, someone to go to the ATM for us, someone to clean up after us and someone to pick on etc etc.

Yeah we missed you Rod !!!

Stewie Mac

Hmmmm cant think of anything smart to say sooooo................ Phuck its the phantom!<i></i>
Who's up for this Wed ????

Stewie Mac

yeah right...
in this bloody blizzard out there Stewie...
I personally won't be out for weeks...make that months Cheers,
Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography, Bullshit Artist?
Z Web World

"I don't want a pickle,
I just wanna ride my motorsickle."
Arlo Guthrie 1969
Busy Wednesday night.

Got another meeting.

Puberty Clues at the primary school with my 10 year old Son.

Who knows, I might just learn something.....

Puberty Clues..
wtf Cheers,
Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography, Bullshit Artist?
Z Web World

"I don't want a pickle,
I just wanna ride my motorsickle."
Arlo Guthrie 1969
This Wed nite on? Of course it is, it's going to be sunny and warm. Expect heaps. I owe DJ a few drinks for picking up my screen. .

Stewie Mac

<i>Edited by: Breharna at: 5/9/05 9:46 am

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