Melbourne - Wednesday Lattes
Stewie,will you be there this week,although i think its gunna rain. I need to talk to you. Phuck its the phantom!<i></i>
I'm gunna be almost no good here - St Kilda's too far, it might rain tomorrow and I don't drink Latte anyway !!!

Anyone notice how neat cobwebs are when you look up close?

(have to drop the BM wheel in tomorrow night for two new rotors and a front tyre - so won't be there),

2Bob <i></i>
Weather loooooooooooking good.
I'll be there tonight.
Unfortunately I won't be here posting! Cheers,
Z Web World

Sound ya horn when
going past a manned speed camera.
Let's all give them a protest blast!

You can make a difference!
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Normal crowd last night at Cleos, Baldy, Allen, Neverending, Mother Teresa, Dirtbags, Rev, Sideswipe and of course that Honda rider bloke.
Perfect night weatherwise.

You shoulda seen what Rocket was wearing,
no wonder he's on a Viffer!
(Pic to come!!)
Will be 2 hondas as soon as never ending gets his new bike.
At last someone else has seen the light. Phuck its the phantom!<i></i>
I was told that I had other plans last night so I was unable to get there.... as if you didn't know already.

But I should be able to make it next time..

By the way Rocket, I used to ride a Honda.....
I wouldnt say that too loud,Boozamatic.Didnt you know that only pooftas ride hondas? Phuck its the phantom!<i></i>
Honda ?

Look what they're up to NOW Rocket

Can't win anymore so they want to change the rules

Now where have I seen that before ? ohhh yes, WSBC

800 limit eh ? high revs, pneumatic valve operation too ?

That's one way to get rid of your opposition, screw them with science & a racing budget no-one can will compete with

So, could Vermeulen take it to Rossi ?? On a decent bike I say YEAH !!

I'd like to see Mladin have a crack at WSBC or MotoGP or is he a big minnow in a small pond ?? <i></i>
i already answered that one the other day.
As far as Mladin goes for world supers,he says he never would.
I think he got burnt when he rode for the spagetti team when he was young.As he says in his own words,"why would i enter the world supers when i am sitting on a gold mine right here in the states." Phuck its the phantom!<i></i>
Gold mine ? yeah but when you retire, wouldn't you wonder..........what if ?

Could I have beaten............ the best ?

Could be angling for a better deal ? <i></i>
Getting motivated to get out Wed nights is getting harder and harder in this weather...
But every week there is a classic moment of some sort and you say shit lucky I made the effort, that was a worthwhile night....
Like this classic moment last Wed when Sir Rocket arrived looking like this...!

This could be the start of the Classic Caption Competition!... <i></i>
Thats what riding a Honda does to you. <i></i>
Hey,its bloody cold in them there hills!!!!! Phuck its the phantom!<i></i>
Hey Rocket this is what you can do with a VFR.
Yeah,i used to ride like that once,till they knobbled me. Phuck its the phantom!<i></i>

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