Inner fairings heat shield
Anyone with quick idea's on where I can get
The heat sheild cover for my inner fairings

As I found out my hindle l/h/s pipe is slowly melting my
Plastic's from the inside..

Tomorrow I'll try autobarn,..

Any where else can i get this stuff in a hurry
Short term put a hose clamp on the exhaust with the screw section in position to hold the fairing off the exhaust
there is stick on heat sheild available but been a long time since i used any
heat wrap helps too , wet it and wrap the exhaust then wire tie it in place
Thanks maj

I got into panic shopper mode after work
I got a strip of heat shield from yamaha mc hoppers
Heat shield exhaust wrap from autobarn & sikaflex
Bundy overproof from my iga
Now im all good to go ;)
eBay, I bought a sheet off there as opposed to buying genuine. Works a treat
supercheap auto sell small sheets of it, but I don't think I'd call it super cheap....about $60 for a piece 700x300.

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