A little bit of info if you own an ipod.
Don't ever let them go completely flat. Frown They go into "never never land" and don't want to ever come back. Apparantly they need some charge so that the battery can recognise the charger. I'm struggling and swearing at mine atm, trying to get some life back in it. Spent a few hours seaching forums today and it is a common thing. Pi_thumbsdown
[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .
that explains why my missus ipod pooped its self , cheers wardy top bit of info for the now tech savey guys
Never had that problem - I still have all the generations of iPod - just don't use it anymore. I will charge and update - as its almost more than a year that I did charge any of my iPods
That should never happen. I suggest you contact Apple and demand a replacement - warranty or not. They already had a class action on non- replaceble batteries a while ago. How the f*** can someone approve such a crap design unless is deliberate built in obsolescence to force to buy another one. There was a program on tely few weeks ago called a "the globe conspiracy" dealing with exactly such issues. Well worth watching.
"It is not a shame to not know, the shame is to not know and not to ask"
Thanks Wardy, good info, was also told that u should turn off the iPhones once a week to reset them.
find out the reset key sequence for your particular model.

easy way out.

Android (ipod copy)
Got one for $114
Does the same thing as far as I can see...
A good fix for the iPhone is to reboot it every now and then by holding the "home" button and the "lock/off" button at the same time and keep holding it until you see an apple on the screen.

It is basically the equivalent to removing the battery and putting it back in
need to look for the keys for the ithingy you have. not all the same.

(08-09-2011, 10:17pm)RyanG Wrote: A good fix for the iPhone is to reboot it every now and then by holding the "home" button and the "lock/off" button at the same time and keep holding it until you see an apple on the screen.

It is basically the equivalent to removing the battery and putting it back in

Your iPhone is like your computer - if you shut down and restart it frees up processing memory. Other option is to do it manually when the phone is running or by just JB it and having a app for the same.

I have so many app on my iPhone that I have to reboot it almost - if not daily.........as it consumes memory to run and manage the load.

(08-09-2011, 10:17pm)RyanG Wrote: A good fix for the iPhone is to reboot it every now and then by holding the "home" button and the "lock/off" button at the same time and keep holding it until you see an apple on the screen.

It is basically the equivalent to removing the battery and putting it back in

Your iPhone is like your computer - if you shut down and restart it frees up processing memory. Other option is to do it manually when the phone is running or by just JB it and having a app for the same.

I have so many app on my iPhone that I have to reboot it almost - if not daily.........as it consumes memory to run and manage the load.


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