QLDers Be aware
Cheers [Image: th_arg-x-50-transa.gif]
NSW just got rid of them, your turn will come soon.

Unfortunately it seems though, none of the Labor Taxes, fees and levies, ever get recinded by the incoming Government.

Busdriver (aka Les)
Mate, every government in every country is the same. No matter what party, what system. They will try to squize as much as they can out of you. The only difference is how the population holds them accountable and when it comes to Australia, lets face it, bunch of sheep ready to be sheared. So they will do it again, and again, and again....
"It is not a shame to not know, the shame is to not know and not to ask"
(31-03-2011, 07:19pm)Shifu Wrote: Mate, every government in every country is the same. No matter what party, what system. They will try to squize as much as they can out of you. The only difference is how the population holds them accountable and when it comes to Australia, lets face it, bunch of sheep ready to be sheared. So they will do it again, and again, and again....

My Navara 4x4 registered Vic ................ $540 for 12 months, Pajero 4x4 Registered in Qld $790 for 12 months Pi_freak
Guess which car is finding it's way to a Vic address Coolsmiley
(31-03-2011, 07:19pm)Shifu Wrote: Mate, every government in every country is the same.
Don't agreePi_thumbsdownPi_thumbsdownPi_thumbsdownPi_thumbsdown
(31-03-2011, 09:37pm)fasterfaster Wrote: My Navara 4x4 registered Vic ................ $540 for 12 months, Pajero 4x4 Registered in Qld $790 for 12 months Pi_freak
Guess which car is finding it's way to a Vic address Coolsmiley

Doesnt seem that long ago & it was the other way aroundPi_freak
Let me see if im getting this right:

First: Whinging has already started cause the rego went up by $8.35 towards the flood disaster/building your own stateIdiot2Idiot2Idiot2

Second: Is it not another fact that the people who have been affected by the floods where not charged this price hike but charged the ones who haven't and maybe just maybe can afford a little more than the ones who have ??????

Third: Will the $8.35 increase ruin your life style or bankrupt you??????(i don't think so)

Mind you the writing was on the wall as to where the money was/is going to come from as was the local governments notice of the price hike which leaves me confused as to why people are surprised!!!
West Germans had to pay through their taxes to reunify,build and maintain East Germany when the iron curtain came down ,i cant imagine what would some say/do if that had to happen here or if you had to bail out the whole of GreecePi_freakPi_freakPi_freak
As Kawasuki clearly stated;
----- "she should have insured the state like every other state premier had done".
Hey pete i just regoed my 4x4 rodeo up here in townsville and it was $840. however im not complaining to much given in the ACT it was $980.

(01-04-2011, 06:30am)1300hayabusa Wrote: Let me see if im getting this right:

First: Whinging has already started cause the rego went up by $8.35 towards the flood disaster/building your own stateIdiot2Idiot2Idiot2

Second: Is it not another fact that the people who have been affected by the floods where not charged this price hike but charged the ones who haven't and maybe just maybe can afford a little more than the ones who have ??????

Third: Will the $8.35 increase ruin your life style or bankrupt you??????(i don't think so)

Mind you the writing was on the wall as to where the money was/is going to come from as was the local governments notice of the price hike which leaves me confused as to why people are surprised!!!
West Germans had to pay through their taxes to reunify,build and maintain East Germany when the iron curtain came down ,i cant imagine what would some say/do if that had to happen here or if you had to bail out the whole of GreecePi_freakPi_freakPi_freak

My objection to this tax is not the $8.35 but the way it's applied. To apply it only when rego'ing your veh for 6 months is possibly going to affect the people who cant afford to pay 12 mths, if you elect to pay 12 mths you dont pay the tax, plus if you dont have a veh then again you dont pay the tax. If you are going to apply a levy for such things then would it not be a fairer way to do it through your income tax, or something along those lines. Then everyone contributes. I also find it objectionable when after contributing to the Premiers Disaster Appeal that the money still hasnt been distrubted. There was a news item a week or so ago that highlighted the fact a guy who lost his house, wife two kids, and now left with one child on his own and has had no help at all. Thats what I contributed then for not to pay for pencil necks to sit on their backsides making executive decisions on who is deserving and who isnt. Anna Bligh has more faces than a town hall clock when it comes to dealing with people. All very concerned on the news and teary in the disasters, then working us over behind closed doors when the camera's are off. Now she is selling off state assets there will be a lot more of these little levies I think. The loss of revenue has to be made up from somewhere
I agree with you Pommie! Clap

I was watching the news last night, where a bloke was featured that has lost nearly everything. He is trying to repair his home by dipping into his Super (which sucks when he is retired). At the moment, he sleeps on a foam mattress on the floor of his loungeroom, which he is part way through replacing all of the gyprock. He has to go down the road to a truck stop to have a shower, or to use the toilet, he is still without water and power!!!

Then they do a grab with Blight, in which she admits that the flood relief fund consists of $251mil, and is growing at the rate of $1mil per day. Then she turns around and says that the money will be distributed ASAP! FFS woman, it's been 2 months, get the lead out already!Wtf

This raises another question, while the State Labour party government holds on to all that money, which was donated by the way, who is getting the interest? At 6% interest, that is somewhere in the region of $11,452.00 per day on the $251 million, and would increase exponentially with compound interest!

That's my very agravated 2 cents.
Oh, did anyone else see the Army Officer in the same storey who was having a dig at people who he claims are just sitting on their lounge expecting handouts!!!!

While I don't doubt that a few would be doing exactly that, it is demeaning and degrading for people like the old fella trying to repair his home to be lumped in with lazy welfare leachesPi_thumbsdown

I don't know who the officer was, but, he needs to either pull his head in, or one of his commanders should pull it in for him. With all the great work that our defence forces do, I served for 6 years, it's comments like that that put community sentiment against them!

Ok, off soap box now!
What i do not understand is yes it has been 2 mths since the floods and in my current job i see what is happening first hand and there is still people out there that have lost eveything in these floods and still have not seen an insurance Assessor. I am still doing jobs from the storms that hit The Gap in 09 we have not even started working on the houses in the floods and i dont believe we will for at least another 2-3 mths if lucky. I work for 4 of the biggest insurance builders in Australia and we are not getting any of that work yet.

The work people see going on now is coming out of peoples own pockets and they will work out the costs with the insurance companies at a later date, out of the millions of dollars raised for the flood appeal about 2 million has actually been given out what is the rest of the money doing i ask. I agree with Ruben its not a huge amount and over a 6 mth period it works out to SWFA 0.04 cents per day but the sneaky way the stupid Bitch has gone about it sucks in my eyes and it has really been targetted at the strugglers out there.People who pay 6mths regos are the ones that cant afford the 12 mth regos so why not do it the other way around and slap it on the 12 mth payers? I know cause they can target the strugglers easier cause what else can they do but to suck it up and pay.

In my opinion Anna Bligh has not got the balls to stand up for our state. if good old Joe was still in charge people would be moving back to their homes by now because he didnt take shit from anyone and would have forced these insurance companies to pay up
Cheers [Image: th_arg-x-50-transa.gif]
Yeah agree ................... or how all those that gave generously and donated what they could then be told basicaly it's not enough now we shall take more from you so cough up with your COMPULSORY donation ?
Or how after being without a weeks work due to being flooded in I applied for the BIG $1000 only to be told I wasn't entitled as I could get out my drive .................. mind you only 5 k out my drive. BUT the dick down the road gets $3200 ..................... 1K each for himself and wife and also $400 each for three children. Not bad considering he is on benefits and doesn't even need to leave his lounge chair to have his income banked each week for him.
Simply put the systems f****d and as usual the only winners are those that milk it at every oportunity.
My bitch is the fact that it's fine for me as I only lost income and can get on and move on but there are many that lost the lot and don't have avenues available to be able to re group and do the same. These poor buggers caught between the insurance companies looking for "opt outs" and the usual government blundering are suffering still now.

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