Here is a shot of the Ti force sumo headers and the muzzy headers.The Tiforce comes in 5 pieces the muzzy is one piece.
Both very good systems just a photo for comparison. Glenn the Spa Man<i></i>
would you say there's not much difference in shape , dias etc?? oh and one is 304 and the other Ti alloy <i></i>
Fat Busa Racing 1347
I'd like to see some pics of the HMF big bird next to a Muzzy
or the Ti there any system bigger than the Big Bird? Regards Richard
“Racing is living, everything else is just waiting” <i></i>
Both systems are titanium,the ti force was straight out of the box.The ti force sumo has bigger primaries and secondaries and mid pipe than the normal ti force and a 60mm in and 60mm out end can.Don,t know about hmf big bird system but would be along the lines of the sumo system. <i></i>
What are the actual measured difference SpaMan? <i></i>
When i get time i,ll try and measure them up.I lost my verniers when i moved house but i,ve got another set.A bit tricky now both systems are on the bikes.Perhaps circumferences with a cloth tape will be possible. Glenn the Spa Man<i></i>
Standard ti force primaries 45mm od
Ti force sumo primaries 45mm od
Standard ti force secondaries 46.1mm od
Ti force sumo secondaries 50.9mm od
Standard ti force collector 51.8mm od
ti force sumo collector 57.2mm od
standard ti force mid pipe 51.8-62.06mm od
ti force sumo mid pipe 57.2-62.06mm od
standard ti force can 62mm in-48mm out od
ti force sumo can 62mm in-62mm out od.
Cheers glenn <i></i>