Head set??
hey members and guests

Who knows how to tighten the head set as mine after almost 60k has deveopled a CREEK SOUND?

I tried to get the big gold nut in middle loose but it seems HEAPS TIGHT

Help would be tops


I had my head stock all repared just a few weeks ago ( new bearings and stuff ) I had my shop do the job 4 me.
I didn't want to take any risk in doing it my self.
I think it was about $200/$250 all up...not sure on that will have to find invoice Regards Richard

“Racing is living, everything else is just waiting” <i></i>
and my bike has 6600ks and they are stuffed
Not road worthy, thats why I had them done... Regards Richard

“Racing is living, everything else is just waiting” <i></i>
did mine when I changed front forks. your head bearing will wear especially if you do wheelies, it takes a pounding on landing. <i></i>
the book says that it should be done up to 65 ft lb's which is tight but not really busting tight. When i took mine off i used a big socket with a rag over the nut to help prevent from damaging it. do you have a manual at all? <i></i>
yeah got a manual thnx for advice <i></i>
Gazza posted a while ago part numbers to replace the stock bearings with sealed tapered rollers, maybe in the mods section. <i></i>

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