Help Fast Please, No ignition Power

I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction, I rode over to a friends house and now the bike wont start or do anything.

Went out to leave
Turn the ignition key on
All lights and normal startup sequence done
Hit the start button
**I give half a turn the cut everything out completely **

When I tried the cycle the key from on to off
on the on position = nothing
turn it to off = the needles on the dash all do the cycle lap of the instruments...

HELP PLEASE...................................................................

Ive checked all the fuses under the lefthand side top panel, near the dash.
Checked the battery, checked the batt leads

Im suggesting something shorted out the power, but have no idea what.

Any info right at this point in time out be greatly appreciated.
recheck the battery terminals, one will probably be loose , both ends ,
main fuse on the starter solenoid will also cut power to everything , but don't think your clocks would cycle
when you pull the clutch in & hit start does the headlight turn off? if you have adjustable levers could be that the clutch lever is not depressing the neutral starter switch in far enough,
[Image: 583b3abf-1.jpg]
Ive just had a quick look through the site.

States that a crap old battery can cause this also.

But, stumped as to why the needles cycle when it is put back into the off position on the ignition key?

I commute on the busa, SO friggin not lookin forward to drivin tomorrow...grrrrr
(19-01-2011, 08:04pm)black13 Wrote: when you pull the clutch in & hit start does the headlight turn off? if you have adjustable levers could be that the clutch lever is not depressing the neutral starter switch in far enough,

Hi black13.

There is no power at all....
no lights, ingintion, instruments.

the only thing that even remotely occurs as a power function is when you turn the ket to the off position, the instruments needle do the cycle as the same when you turn it on... but remeber nothing else, so no lights on the dash or anything....
Its either Battery or the terminal issue.
Its either Battery or the terminal issue.
Jump start it...and go home
Got it home on the back of ute.

Checked the battery with a meter.

OFF = 12.63V
Turn the ignition ON = 0.43V


Or major short?

Ive checked all the terminals, and fuses, even the 30amp one at the ignition coil, near the battery under the seat.
mabe the ecu plug
Battery, you can have 12v+ but if its going open circuit under a load then it dont matter, its rooted
Carpe Diem!
Is it a K8 ? You know there was an ignition switch recall on those by Suzuki. If it is a 2nd Hand K8, the 1st buyer might not have taken it to Suzuki to have the ignition switch, where you bung your key in replaced for free. Just a thought & reminder for buyers of 2nd hand K8,s.
(20-01-2011, 05:25am)Pommie Wrote: Battery, you can have 12v+ but if its going open circuit under a load then it dont matter, its rooted

Thanks Pommie.

Im going to pickup a new battery today. $85.00

I had the bike sitting for 2-3 weeks over christmas with the alarm on, and in that time the battery went flat. So now with this happened, Im thinking it could be a crook batt..

Will keep you guys posted after I install the new one tonite.

Thanks for all your comments and feedback............................Very Happy
(20-01-2011, 11:52am)ChemoDave Wrote: I had the bike sitting for 2-3 weeks over christmas with the alarm on, and in that time the battery went flat. So now with this happened, Im thinking it could be a crook batt..

Will keep you guys posted after I install the new one tonite.

With the new battery, get yourself an "intelligent trickle charger" for when it's sitting in the shed. They're cheap, and will keep the battery conditioned, so she'll allways be ready to go when you open the garage door! (I've got one on each bike and one on the boat.)
[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .
Yeah Trickle charger is the go . Don't know what year you've got but if it's
a 99 or 2000 & you try to start it with a slightly flat battery, you run the risk of it turning over backwards & blowing the starter assembly & engine case to bits .Hence , mine lives on an intelli charger when not being ridden.

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here

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