Received this in an email. Not sure when it happened
TEXT WITHIN EMAIL - Clearly he was on the wrong side of the road.

"On Saturday morning we set off out of Walcha and headed into Gloucester for morning tea and then straight onto Bucketts Way towards Krambach....

..... Never made it that far. Taking a Double Apex left hander collected a Timber Jinker heading the other way and so the story goes."
Very lucky he didn't die.


-Fractured right ankle.
-Broken right toe.
-Broken right collar bone.
-Shattered right wrist.
-Shattered right humorous.
-Soft tissue damage left & right.

But really, who's fault was it????????

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
mate i just logged in and this is the 1st thing i see , that looks really bad , i hope the guy recovers and is ok . it looks nasty
What a waste of a "Galespeed".
I know how he feels;
......."he laughed inappropriately" Lol2
after looking at the photos i,d say he,s one lucky guy to be able to see the result and live to tell about it.
WOW! Ive never seen a bike in so many bits after a crash that the rider walked away from.

He's so lucky to be alive...
No wonder it fell to pieces it was a Kawasaki But one lucky mother
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
(25-11-2010, 09:39am)Louwai Wrote: -Shattered right humorous.
That's no laughing matter...
"casting dispersions on others credability." And their illiteracy.
photoshop!!!!!! Its all done with mirrorsVery Happy
Gotta watch those trucks, because they're so light they are pretty nimble and have a habit of flicking around when you're not ready for them.

I drive a heavy vehicle and often need ALL my side of the road(and sometimes a bit more) to get around a corner.

I'll happily ride over a small speed hump if it gets in my line when working.

In fact it's not really even a bump.

The road isn't a race track, if you ride to the limit that you can't even get out of the way of a fucken truck then you deserve to have your bike taken away from you.

(bloody happy he was able to breath after though - I'm not a total c***)
[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .
(25-11-2010, 09:39am)Louwai Wrote: TEXT WITHIN EMAIL - Clearly he was on the wrong side of the road.

"On Saturday morning we set off out of Walcha and headed into Gloucester for morning tea and then straight onto Bucketts Way towards Krambach....

..... Never made it that far. Taking a Double Apex left hander collected a Timber Jinker heading the other way and so the story goes."
Very lucky he didn't die.

But really, who's fault was it????????

Yeah Louwai.....

I'm certainly not a qualified crash investigator by any means....

But lookin' at the photographic evidence of pics 2,3,4 and especially 5 and 6 .....the point of impact seems to be clearly on the truckdrivers side of the road!

That would indicate to me that the bike has quite possibly taken a wide line thru that left-hander and possibly drifted onto the wrong side of the road!

One very, very lucky dude to survive that one.....Clap

I would expect that the rider will end up with a neg. driving ticket outta that one....unless he can convince the "powers that be" that the truck was cutting the corner big time and that he had to take evasive action and swerve to the opposite side of the road to try to avoid an impending collision!

A third party (ideally totally independant) eye-witness would definately help in this situation....Pi_thumbsup

I also noticed from those pics that there does not appear to be any skid marks evident from either vehicle involved....Nerd

BTW, juz this rider a mate of yours, Louwai?

keep it fun (....& safe)
that zx14 is unreconiseable.. how did he not die?? very lucky bloke to survive that.
(Townsville, QLD) (for your sticker and sign needs)

Smitten 03 with a hair dryer - slammed and stretched (stealth mode engaged)
(25-11-2010, 10:32pm)bazman Wrote: BTW, juz this rider a mate of yours, Louwai?

keep it fun (....& safe)

No Baz, No one I know. The set was emailed to me from another rider in my office. I have no idea who it is or when it happened.
Its ok , that will Buff out ......
Hayabusa , If your not on one , your behind one .....
To me that would bew enough for me to resign from motorcycle riding forever.

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