TEXT WITHIN EMAIL - Clearly he was on the wrong side of the road.
"On Saturday morning we set off out of Walcha and headed into Gloucester for morning tea and then straight onto Bucketts Way towards Krambach....
..... Never made it that far. Taking a Double Apex left hander collected a Timber Jinker heading the other way and so the story goes."
Very lucky he didn't die.
-Fractured right ankle.
-Broken right toe.
-Broken right collar bone.
-Shattered right wrist.
-Shattered right humorous.
-Soft tissue damage left & right.
But really, who's fault was it????????
"On Saturday morning we set off out of Walcha and headed into Gloucester for morning tea and then straight onto Bucketts Way towards Krambach....
..... Never made it that far. Taking a Double Apex left hander collected a Timber Jinker heading the other way and so the story goes."
Very lucky he didn't die.
-Fractured right ankle.
-Broken right toe.
-Broken right collar bone.
-Shattered right wrist.
-Shattered right humorous.
-Soft tissue damage left & right.
But really, who's fault was it????????