is this forum dying and other questions
Wish I could join you all for a bloody ride every now and then, but I live in a hick, 2 horse, mining town way up the coast. I bought the Bussa to keep my sanity!
hey shredder you make some valid points my post was a litlle wishy washy as to start time and meet up.

another point you make is the ride home for the brisy riders, point taken even though we have done a few runs which end at beenleigh. which is about half way to the for both bris/goldy crews

i would like to explore inland bris/sunny coast a little more so maybe a future ride idea

thanks to everyone else who responded seems pretty much a general consenus is that they are over the shit fights, i guess only the members can change that
This worries me a lot - 'too much lame shit hence the reason not many old members bother posting anymore.
The sad part about that is they have taken all there knowledge with them.'

I joined this group to learn, I may never race, never go to drag but atleast I can talk about you guys doing it.
(12-11-2010, 08:04am)Bill Gaheer Wrote: 'too much lame shit hence the reason not many old members bother posting anymore.
The sad part about that is they have taken all there knowledge with them.'

Agree Bill. I also joined before the Eziboard issue, but almost all who were members when I joined don't post any more. Maybe ask why Mutha, Raz or Busgo don't come here any more. DJ is always in the background but raraly posts. Same with Rod & many others.

I personally have a look in on most days but rarely post. Mainly due to the reasons noted above.

As for rides, I've only ever posted 1 ride on here. It was a combined club ride & I actually got 5 people from AHC that came. (total 20 for the ride) Unfortunately it turned out to be one of those dreaded "train" rides & I must apologise to the guys that came along for the slow & boring ride.
i joined in 2003 and over the past few years, the feel of the club has changed dramatically, not for the better.

I could name a long list of members that have been on here for a long time that no longer venture here or rarely make an appearance.... it's sad, as there experience and wealth of knowledge is gone...
(Townsville, QLD) (for your sticker and sign needs)

Smitten 03 with a hair dryer - slammed and stretched (stealth mode engaged)
I ride every Thursday night and nearly every weekend. I have a full time job(50+hrs) a wife 2 kids and another on the way. I would go crazy if i couldn't ride and so would my wife. I'll post up every ride and if any of you want to come play then i'll see you there.




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