Rudd Out Gillard In
and if you go INDERPENDANT there votes are preferential so it goes to either side , shooters party , or ever the Australian sex party Lol2Lol2

the greens will never get a vote from me , there as good as murders with the save the trees shit
(08-08-2010, 11:54pm)big kev Wrote: the greens will never get a vote from me , there as good as murders with the save the trees shit

That, and the fact that they want to turn 30% of Australian waters into a Marine Park, i.e. all of the coastal waters where people can fish...
"casting dispersions on others credability." And their illiteracy.
(08-08-2010, 11:32pm)Madmax Wrote: So, who the f*** do we vote for?
A lying bitch who knifed her benefactor and leader, and couldn't organise a church hall with a fistful of holy dollars?
Or Wonder Boy why should be wearing his reg grundies on the outside of his trousers?
One is as bad as the other.
Vote for the Greens? they were responsible for the fires we've had over the last 10 years, because of their "save the trees" crap and having no regard for the fuelk they were forcing us to leave inder all those trees.

Who the hell are we going to vote for? - Fucknose!

What she did to Rudd she will do to us..
I think Abbott is the less of 2 evils
If the shooters party tried to get handgun hunting legal i would vote for them.
(13-08-2010, 06:13pm)kawasuki Wrote:
(08-08-2010, 11:32pm)Madmax Wrote:

What she did to Rudd she will do to us..
I think Abbott is the less of 2 evils
If the shooters party tried to get handgun hunting legal i would vote for them.

Can you please explain how handgun hunting will benefit the Australian people?
(13-08-2010, 06:48pm)bioDog Wrote:
(13-08-2010, 06:13pm)kawasuki Wrote:
(08-08-2010, 11:32pm)Madmax Wrote:

What she did to Rudd she will do to us..
I think Abbott is the less of 2 evils
If the shooters party tried to get handgun hunting legal i would vote for them.

Can you please explain how handgun hunting will benefit the Australian people?

It will solve the over use of speed camera problem .

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here
(13-08-2010, 06:59pm)Greeny_SA Wrote:
(13-08-2010, 06:48pm)bioDog Wrote:
(13-08-2010, 06:13pm)kawasuki Wrote:
(08-08-2010, 11:32pm)Madmax Wrote:

What she did to Rudd she will do to us..
I think Abbott is the less of 2 evils
If the shooters party tried to get handgun hunting legal i would vote for them.

Can you please explain how handgun hunting will benefit the Australian people?

It will solve the over use of speed camera problem .
My vote will be for a party that gets rid of silly speed restrictions and finds people for impatience and intolerant behaviour.
This bible bashing dick head (abbot) does not know what peak speed or any affiliated problem with the web is and he wants to shut it down ??????WTF
Fibre optic cabling has been around for a while and before he dismisses and cancels shit he should come up with alternatives not the sort of crap he's come up with...NOTHING!!!!
It also seems that his policys don't hold water and as some other dick head mentioned here it's not the labor government who wants to send us back 10 years but it's the coalition with their leader not knowing or denying that the Internet/comunication is the most powerful tool in the world.How fcukin colonial and transparent is it by the coalition that if they used the mushroom theory and that is to "keep them in the dark and feed them alot of shit"than their control is bigger.This was the case with the howard goverment as he spent more money on cricket than infrasturucture and thats why there was money in these liberal coffers everyones seems to mention.The shameful thing is that in a lot of places in aus being 40 mins out of a city is already a major problem getting connected with an ISP,not to mention the sad state that country folk are in with something simple like a tel service.On the other hand the greens which in this country don't seem to push the
envelope enough get shit for wanting trees around and if one stops and thinks for a second and work out what the connection is with the oxygen we breath,that some
clearly steal from others than they might come to a diff conclusion.Unfortunately Aussies are not very kind to their environment and changes are always hard to accept but if alternatives where placed in replanting and everyone chips in than maybe just maybe your kids will have a park or a natural reserve to breath fresh air
in.I will vote with my head and not innuendo,bullshit and second hand information by some Dumbo looking asshole who thinks that work choice agreements are the bees knees cause the big business will benefit.Vote abbot and the middle class will disappear from aus society,that means you me and a lot of other people you know,vote labor and you will have a womans perspective of politics which although people will say that she is still run by the party she might deserve a chance,vote greens and they can keep both fcukers a little more in line!!!!!
Working in IT and understanding the network speed and issues around it - I still support Abbott
and his policies around the IT infrastructure. 43 Billion is a lot of money which can be used to do lot of good things the common public. Better roads, trains etc. IT infrastructure updates and upgrades with every new invention- 100 (now1000) v/s 12 v/s the current speed.
If big coroporations need a fast network they build it without govt funding. The fuss is about connecting the entire AUS and we all are forgetting this - common person needs a lot more then a fast network.
I am not saying that fast network is not important - there are bigger things which are more important....
(14-08-2010, 09:27am)Bill Gaheer Wrote: I am not saying that fast network is not important - there are bigger things which are more important....

The policies Abbott and his party are putting forward are certainly more aligned to the original vision of the NBN. The NBN wasn't supposed to be about Alan Average getting his porn faster. It was supposed to be about equality of access to all Australians, which the Labor plan fails to address. My Grandfather living 200 metres from a rail line and 15 minutes off a highway in not-so-regional SA still won't have an Internet connection good enough to run a Skype video call with his granddaughter in Melbourne. Assuming he can even afford it on the pension and working 15 hours a week to add a few dollars on top.

Unfortunately I cannot get past the simple fact that a vote for Labor and their NBN is a vote for an Internet filter. Without a doubt, the blind censorship of the proposed filter is an evil of a great magnitude. If a voter can't imagine why this is a bad thing, I will suggest they're not educated enough to benefit productively from a faster Internet connection.

If I only had to vote on only a single issue, I could not in good conscience, or in my professional knowledge as a telecommunications engineer, vote for for Labor and their filter. (And this isn't a statement telling you which way I am voting either, for those of you that love your ad hominem attacks).
(14-08-2010, 09:27am)Bill Gaheer Wrote: Working in IT and understanding the network speed and issues around it - I still support Abbott
and his policies around the IT infrastructure. 43 Billion is a lot of money which can be used to do lot of good things the common public. Better roads, trains etc. IT infrastructure updates and upgrades with every new invention- 100 (now1000) v/s 12 v/s the current speed.
If big coroporations need a fast network they build it without govt funding. The fuss is about connecting the entire AUS and we all are forgetting this - common person needs a lot more then a fast network.
I am not saying that fast network is not important - there are bigger things which are more important....

Yes Bill a lot of $$ And if any belive it will be 43 billion then they believe in the tooth fairy, i would say u could add another 40% at least.
And if Gillard spends like the BER program she headed, than God help us.
Were is the rock singer?? Is he still selling home lighters??
Red head back in!
I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it.
- Mae West
The BER and NBN are examples of good infra-structure that improve lives, the country and will be with us for centuries. Like roof insulation they have/might be implemeted badly and we should all kick off about that, but not the fact we're getting them. We'd never have the railways, dams, opera house, harbour bridge etc... if expense was the only criteria to consider.

Political rorts cost us more, especially as we've nothing to show for them. The Howard Governments lagged on infra-structure and things like education and health, while the Labor Government wasted money more visibly. IMHO the current sitution is timely and most welcome - the electorate got it right.

Like I said earlier, Labor were always going to get the independents support, as they would purely be looking out for their self interest, despite what they've said - keeps them in their seats longer and pads the lovely pension, not to mention the unprescedented power they have in this Parliament. We practically have a conscious vote on all policy, so the quality of legislation is likely to go up. Abbott hasn't lost either - he's still a hero and the Liberals get longer to re-build and look like the good guys.

Onward and upward!
Carpe Diem!
(07-09-2010, 03:56pm)Throwdown! Wrote: The BER and NBN are examples of good infra-structure that improve lives, the country and will be with us for centuries. Like roof insulation they have/might be implemeted badly and we should all kick off about that, but not the fact we're getting them. We'd never have the railways, dams, opera house, harbour bridge etc... if expense was the only criteria to consider.

Political rorts cost us more, especially as we've nothing to show for them. The Howard Governments lagged on infra-structure and things like education and health, while the Labor Government wasted money more visibly. IMHO the current sitution is timely and most welcome - the electorate got it right.

Like I said earlier, Labor were always going to get the independents support, as they would purely be looking out for their self interest, despite what they've said - keeps them in their seats longer and pads the lovely pension, not to mention the unprescedented power they have in this Parliament. We practically have a conscious vote on all policy, so the quality of legislation is likely to go up. Abbott hasn't lost either - he's still a hero and the Liberals get longer to re-build and look like the good guys.

Onward and upward!

Try as I might, I don't think I will ever think of Antonius Abbotus as my hero, or the good guy.
He did show us some teeth like a terrier on steroids, mauling poor Pauline enough for her to call England Home!

HOWEVER, he would make an excellent War minister, if we ever get into a fight with elderly people, kids overboard, gays and whale defenders.
Big Business has him in their little pocket and he'll even get out the shovel and work for no taxes, but who's complaining?
We all got to fit somewhere, even if it's occasionally in speedo swimgear!
The unlikely hero out of all this is Mr Katter!
And he's better looking than Liberty Valance, though perhaps not quite so quick!
Hey he's not my hero, but he has done a bloody good job for the Liberal Party.
He should be relieved he's not PM in these times.
Carpe Diem!

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