Shell 100 fuel.
Any one seen this fuel yet?? Cheers,
Kawasuki<i>Edited by: kawasuki at: 18/1/06 8:21 pm
First saw it a couple of weeks ago here in Canberra, only one suburb north and one south selling the stuff. I can only say that it seems to work. Fuel consumption is good and the hire bus loves it. While they sell it I'll use it - mind you - 3 to 4 cents a litre more than vortex type fuels.

Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Here is a list
Feel the force.<i></i>
100 Octane with ETHANOL.
I won't be testing it for quite some time me thinks.

Cheaper fuel to produce and they charge more for it.

As above I don't think I will be putting that in my Rocket

That's my 2 cent's worth

Regards Richard.............. <i></i>
Suzuki recommend no more than a 10% blend for the Bus and
Optimax Extreme has only 5% so in that respect it should be fine.

A Standard Bus only requires 91RON, Standard Unleaded Fuel, no need for higher octane! Using a different RON rate affects performance with a whole range of issues including timing, burn rates etc

The Oil Companies spruik off lots of facts and figures to tempt you into using there premium type fuels but most of the testing is done on cars. Most performance increases relate to factory timing being retarded by the CPU to stop detonation from too low a Octane in the first place.

BP quote - petrol must be of an adequate octane quality for the engine.

I have compared mileage with Unleaded and Optimax fuels and have had better mileage out the Standard Unleaded without any performance loss.

Anyway if its like Optimax it wont be very suitable for bikes either!

Shell Optimax Bikers Faqs


<i>Edited by: aBUSa at: 19/1/06 1:05 am
IF you read the bible Suzuki recommend no alchohol blend fuels be used but up to 10% MAY be allright. tell ya straight if the pump says it's got alchohol in it I going somewhere else.

Tom "No Fear" Just means you aint goin quick enough yet !!!!!
I am a believer in not wasting money on a higher octane fuel than my car needs!

"A Standard Bus only requires 91RON, Standard Unleaded Fuel, no need for higher octane! "

When I bought my bus 6 years ago, this was told to me by the salesman, and also by the shop mechanic.

Fact: My bike is stock, and runs like crap on standard unleaded fuel, It pings and splutters like a bitch. Fuel Cosumption doesn't seem to be affected. It also pings under load with 'normal high octane'.

With BP and Mobil's 98 and Vortex it purrrrrrs. No sign of pinging, smooth acceleration.

As for the 100 and 10% ethanol - the jurys out! <i></i>
Do not mistake an ethanol blend and an alchol blend.

My book says I can use a 10% ethanaol mix. The FAQ's on the Shell Extreme site says to consult your manafactures handbook. If you have a fibreglass tank, don't use it. But if your book says you can use up to a 10% mix, go ahead. <i></i>
ethanol absorbs water ,so 4 that fact i would stay clear of it. <i></i>
Fuel doesn't stay in my tank long enough to absorb water.

Going to the coast tommorrow. Will fuel for the ride with it and give it a try.

I'll report back Sunday evening <i></i>
ray give me a buzz regards this fuel ? ..................meanwhile don't use it
0397990531 <i></i>
I've been using it since it came out. The bike runs better. I get higher fuel consumption, my tank lasts longer.

Every refuel I buy this stuff. The bike appears to like it.

Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
Your a thrill seeker Max ..........
It doesn't like rubber
FF1 <i></i>
Ahhhh maybe faster is selling Caltex HHmmmm . Cheers,

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