Asylum Seekers
Throwdown i am not saying they (countries u mentioned) are better off, what i am saying is there border patrol is a lot better and when u think of how farked those countries are who the fark would want to go there anyway??? but still they have there rules on border patrol , and when u see a honey pot(Australia) every man and his dog wants here one way or the other,Now if i dont like the breed of illegal people coming here dosnt make me a rascist Like some other head in sand member accused me of being. I dont want people coming here without identity papers etc they could be any kind of nutter. And mark my words it WILL(terrorist attack) happen in Australia and u just want to hope it wasnt one of the members of the illegals or there so called family that come in the giuse of being mistreated in there native country. We have enough shit here we dont want to import anymore DO WE ?????
(15-04-2010, 07:18pm)kawasuki Wrote: Throwdown i am not saying they (countries u mentioned) are better off, what i am saying is there border patrol is a lot better and when u think of how farked those countries are who the fark would want to go there anyway??? but still they have there rules on border patrol , and when u see a honey pot(Australia) every man and his dog wants here one way or the other,Now if i dont like the breed of illegal people coming here dosnt make me a rascist Like some other head in sand member accused me of being. I dont want people coming here without identity papers etc they could be any kind of nutter. And mark my words it WILL(terrorist attack) happen in Australia and u just want to hope it wasnt one of the members of the illegals or there so called family that come in the giuse of being mistreated in there native country. We have enough shit here we dont want to import anymore DO WE ?????
WELL DONE .....its time the dddddddddddoooooooooooooo ggggggggggggggooooooooooooooooodddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrsssss got out of their little ivory towers and seen the real world .... its easy its one foot after the other oh now slowly open you eyes now slowly open you ears thats it NOW U CAN SEE and HEAR WHAT ITS REALY LIKE if you will let us....I cant HELP MY REDNECK VIEWS IM A REAL AUSSIE
When God gave a brain and a mouth to these "REDNECK AUSSIES"(as they claim to be) he ruined 2 perfect assholes.
End of subject.
(15-04-2010, 07:18pm)kawasuki Wrote: Throwdown i am not saying they (countries u mentioned) are better off, what i am saying is there border patrol is a lot better and when u think of how farked those countries are who the fark would want to go there anyway???

I'm Aussie & I have opinions regarding both sides of this debate, but one thing I gotta say.
Don't assume what a country is like until you actiually have lived there.

I lived in China for 2yrs. Was one of the best times in my life. The people are great. The Government has rules, like ANY country. Granted I wasn't subject to the same issues as locals, but I WAS subject to the border regulations etc.

Lived (2yrs or more) in UK, China & Japan, & have visited (more than 4mths in each) 17 others, including some of the ones noted in Ray's post.

The standard that I follow is - When you live in / visit another country, you are required to follow THEIR rules. SIMPLE.

I was in Dubai recently. I was amazed at how the xpats flout the local regulatiuons on drinking & dress, & then when they get into trouble they cry victim.
Agreed it's not what we are used to, but it's a requirement of that country.
(16-04-2010, 06:42am)1300hayabusa Wrote: When God gave a brain and a mouth to these "REDNECK AUSSIES"(as they claim to be) he ruined 2 perfect assholes.
End of subject.

Now ruben ""its medication time,,
I don't 100% agree with everything said by the other side of the argument, but as the saying goes I'll defend the system that allows the other side the right to voice their opinion - we should all be agreeing with that. When you insult someone, especially so readily, your argument is lost in my opinion - articulating a reasonable position based on a perspective of facts doesn't need a f-you on the end of it.

I don't care if someone is racist - it isn't illegal and a thought never killed anyone. Acting on those thoughts is illegal, including (at times) how you verbally express them. Terrorists act on their racism - do you want to have something in common with them? Many of them have a reasonable argument as well, but they pee it up the wall by so obviously killing innocent people. Why would we listen about our own government's wrong-doing under those circumstances. However, it's still another irrelveant argument thrown into the mix of asylum seekers, which I think is done on purpose to over state the problem.

We've put our hand up for that international responsibility and like it or lump it, that's our role until we put our hand down again.

(Just to add. I've been to a shed load of countries and everyone of them has a beauty beyond imagination. There are no crappy coutries, just crappy people).
Carpe Diem!
(16-04-2010, 08:26am)Louwai Wrote: When you live in / visit another country, you are required to follow THEIR rules. SIMPLE.

Clap exactly. well said
(Townsville, QLD) (for your sticker and sign needs)

Smitten 03 with a hair dryer - slammed and stretched (stealth mode engaged)
(16-04-2010, 05:17pm)Macbusa Wrote:
(16-04-2010, 08:26am)Louwai Wrote: When you live in / visit another country, you are required to follow THEIR rules. SIMPLE.

Clap exactly. well said

Problem is Australia just keep changing the rules to keep everyone happy.

I remember once a school was baned to have santa because of one child now to me simple fix if parents of child did not want there child to have anything to do with santa keep them home that day and dont punish hundreds of others
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
(16-04-2010, 08:28am)kawasuki Wrote:
(16-04-2010, 06:42am)1300hayabusa Wrote: When God gave a brain and a mouth to these "REDNECK AUSSIES"(as they claim to be) he ruined 2 perfect assholes.
End of subject.

Now ruben ""its medication time,,

Correct..........cause people like you make me sick!!!!on the other hand dont forget your cholesterol tablets Ray......if not taken,an artery might plug and Im not very good with condolences !!!!!!Smitten
I agree with Kawasuki. - We have enough potential terrorists here already.

And how can Muslims claim to be refugees when they are coming from a Muslim country?

I do think that legal immigration should be allowed, it's just that we're constantly letting people in who have no intention of assimilating and no intention of actually working. They want to live like they did in their own country, so they should bloody well STAY there.
"casting dispersions on others credability." And their illiteracy.
sorry to say, i am over the whole thing

i dont believe they are legitimate refugees. also the queue jumping, emotional blackmail and whining put me off. ive stopped caring about riots, hunger strikes and bad behaviour in detention i just see it as a good reason not to let them out to cause trouble everywhere else. the amount of money spent dealing with them is starting to get on my nerves.

i grind my teeth when i hear anything like a senator hanson young bang on about the need to be humanitarian and share everything we have because we are so rich. she can share all her stuff, but leave me out of it. ive worked hard for mine. the guilt trip doogooders are giving me a pain in the head with the "all suffering people are good people" line.

ive swung a total 180 degrees in my attitude in the last 3 years on this issue.

now id rather see a line of australian destroyers lined up about 500 yards off indonesias coast line, blow a hole in each and every boat launched in this direction, just below the water line. sink every one of them for a month and see if they keep coming then

hayabusa : nipponese for "most superb sports tourer"
(21-04-2010, 01:05pm)Kala Wrote: now id rather see a line of australian destroyers lined up about 500 yards off indonesias coast line, blow a hole in each and every boat launched in this direction, just below the water line. sink every one of them for a month and see if they keep coming then

Conspiracy theory ............. I reckon there is a secret unit out there doing just that; patrolling the straits and sinking anything that moves (government funded of course). They can't be everywhere, the ones that do get through are picked up by the navy.
Where's Ya Snow Plough?
"now id rather see a line of australian destroyers lined up about 500 yards off indonesias coast line, blow a hole in each and every boat launched in this direction, just below the water line. sink every one of them for a month and see if they keep coming then"

That's what the bloody Navy should be doing....just call it a training exercise.
(21-04-2010, 01:05pm)Kala Wrote: sorry to say, i am over the whole thing

i dont believe they are legitimate refugees. also the queue jumping, emotional blackmail and whining put me off. ive stopped caring about riots, hunger strikes and bad behaviour in detention i just see it as a good reason not to let them out to cause trouble everywhere else. the amount of money spent dealing with them is starting to get on my nerves.

i grind my teeth when i hear anything like a senator hanson young bang on about the need to be humanitarian and share everything we have because we are so rich. she can share all her stuff, but leave me out of it. ive worked hard for mine. the guilt trip doogooders are giving me a pain in the head with the "all suffering people are good people" line.

ive swung a total 180 degrees in my attitude in the last 3 years on this issue.

now id rather see a line of australian destroyers lined up about 500 yards off indonesias coast line, blow a hole in each and every boat launched in this direction, just below the water line. sink every one of them for a month and see if they keep coming then


Fortress Australia will rise from the ashes of the Pacific Solution and be a force to contend with!
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
(21-04-2010, 03:49pm)Madmax Wrote: Fortress Australia will rise from the ashes of the Pacific Solution and be a force to contend with!

Yeah, we'll throw Kevin at all who care to tread, swim or sail to these shores. I can feel the ground shaking already from their knocking knee's of fright. Go Kevin you good thing ................. oh, by the way, who voted for him anyway?
Where's Ya Snow Plough?

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