Well, I've never really gone for an exhaust stack on me Busas cause it makes more noise, after all, unless it's a straight out the side zero muffler exhaust stack turbo busa, which it's never been, the vast majority of the noise your exhaust stack makes goes aft (astern) of ya Busa, so it is totally useless to warn drivers in front, or to the side of your presence or location. HOWEVER (take note Kev), the NSW RTA, The Queensland Transport Department, The Victorian, Western Australian and all other Transport Departments are in fact severely NEGLIGENT in the fact that the GUTLESS HORNS THAT THEY PERMIT TO BE SOLD WITH ALL STOCK BIKES IN AUSRTRALIA SHOULD BE FUC*IN BANNED !
The Australian Mentality: Blow your horn to warn some idiot talking on their mobile of your approach, or some idiot on a pushbike that's got no rearview mirrors of your approach, or some idiot cage driver that moves to drive over the top of you when changing lanes cause their too lazy to look and;
1) 95% of the time they can't hear your stupid little zero decibal Australian Government Approved stock horn & they keep doing what they're doing. Run over the top of you to try and kill ya.
2) The 5% of the time the idiot cage drivers or push bike riders with no rear view mirrors hear your Gutless Australian Government Approved Stock Motorcycle Horn they get all offended and turn around and stick their fingers up at ya.
FUC* THE COMMUNIST LABOR GOVERNMENT MUTHAFUC*ERS, WE NEED ALL THE NOISE WE CAN GET ! Buy a loud Duel Electric Air Horn from Auto Pro. It helps, but the cage drivers still get offended.
The Asian Mentality; Never get offended by the use of a horn on their vehicles. Everybody does it. Don't be affraid. Push the button.