Asylum Seekers
Ok, before we begin, this is a general question....

When will the Government make a strict stance on this?

It's a "Welcome to Australia Illegally... we'll help you jump the queue ". What are your thoughts?
(Townsville, QLD) (for your sticker and sign needs)

Smitten 03 with a hair dryer - slammed and stretched (stealth mode engaged)
its sad to think we have come to a point in life where we need to worry about our own exestiance as white anglo australians , i dont mind that they come here from a war torn country wanting a better life . but the fact is they get to many hand outs as soon as they get here and its just not fair on others whom migrate here through the legal channels . we need a better way of working out who is worthy of migrateing to our country . some of those illegal alians are criminals in there own country and now there here . no matter whom we have in to run this country is going to fix this we are going to end up over run with forigeners from other countries . were being pushed out . they are even haveing there own schools now and street signs writen in other languages Wtf when did we have to assimerlate to there way of life and there language? if we went to there country we would have to learn there ways and customs? .

its going to end up an eperdemic . im not racesist im concerned for the next generation (my kids)
yes, the laws on boat people should be much, much more stricter !!!!

the ONLY boat people that they should let in to Orstrayleah should pass a super strict test......

if they can't wheelie a highly-powered motorsickle......they should ship them express post (no insurance) over to Un Zed pronto!!! Pi_freak

[Image: images000.jpg] [Image: images00001.jpg]
I agree that we don't know who we are letting into our country, no doubt some percentage of them would be criminals.

Why is the government spending the money bringing them to the mainland... how about they spend that money returning them directly to THEIR country of origion
(Townsville, QLD) (for your sticker and sign needs)

Smitten 03 with a hair dryer - slammed and stretched (stealth mode engaged)
This is a verry tricky topic i for one think that Australia need to send a hard signal to these places that we are not going to let you in so easy .
Start by sending all boats back straight away for next 12 months. process should be speed up and not having 3 apeal proceses .

But i tell you now if Australia was under attack and we had verry little water and food ,And I new of a good refuge that took boat people i for one would have my baby girl on the first boat paying as much $ as i had to
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
It was on Lateline last night and the main point made was that those who legitimately applied for asylum from overseas were knocked back coz the quota was filled by those that jumped the que by boats and wait on xmas island............all conveniently "lossed" all theyre papers, yet they needed papers to even get in to places like indonesia from where they made their jumps.

so were telling them yea, jump the que coz it works and that clearly is the wrong message to send. Clean your act up Immig. Dept. and dont lower the skills level required.

I also have alot more opinions on the subject but Im gonna self censor myself by not including them in this discussion and hope those amongst you will practise the same. Remember thats the way most of us want this board to behave with an element of self censoreship and restraint.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
(07-04-2010, 02:39pm)Volvi Wrote: It was on Lateline last night and the main point made was that those who legitimately applied for asylum from overseas were knocked back coz the quota was filled by those that jumped the que by boats and wait on xmas island............all conveniently "lossed" all theyre papers, yet they needed papers to even get in to places like indonesia from where they made their jumps.

so were telling them yea, jump the que coz it works and that clearly is the wrong message to send. Clean your act up Immig. Dept. and dont lower the skills level required.

I also have alot more opinions on the subject but Im gonna self censor myself by not including them in this discussion and hope those amongst you will practise the same. Remember thats the way most of us want this board to behave with an element of self censoreship and restraint.

Have a shotgun. queue jumpers are invited to take a number and not shove! All shovers will be shoved back to where they came from!
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
(06-04-2010, 05:35pm)big kev Wrote: its sad to think we have come to a point in life where we need to worry about our own exestiance as white anglo australians , i dont mind that they come here from a war torn country wanting a better life . but the fact is they get to many hand outs as soon as they get here and its just not fair on others whom migrate here through the legal channels . we need a better way of working out who is worthy of migrateing to our country . some of those illegal alians are criminals in there own country and now there here . no matter whom we have in to run this country is going to fix this we are going to end up over run with forigeners from other countries . were being pushed out . they are even haveing there own schools now and street signs writen in other languages Wtf when did we have to assimerlate to there way of life and there language? if we went to there country we would have to learn there ways and customs? .

its going to end up an eperdemic . im not racesist im concerned for the next generation (my kids)

International protection of are waters is imperative but a joke and thats due to the spineless unmotivated goverments that we had/have and the lack of political involvment by the citizens of this land.I fully agree that asylum seekers should be put under the microscope before let in BUT...........and Im not having a go at you Kev....if you carefully read the above post you can say that Australians or to be precise your ancestors did the same to the Indigenous people of this country,the diferrence is that the asylum seekers today have no galeons,guns,cannons and are not an overpowering military force:as i said some time ago HISTORY IS WHAT MAKES YOU OR A BIG LIE EVERYONE AGREES TO.Its not their fault that they are looking for a better place to live cause Im pretty sure that if we had a close look at the trouble in their country there is 90% probability or in one way or the other its connected to some white greed from the west.Let's not forget that your ancestors came here with guns,criminals,language,roads,diseases,vermin,way of life and when the locals here refused they where gathered,shot,thrown over cliffs as means of sports,they even stole their children........and thats only yesterday when all you have is 200 years worth of "history".Can you imagine if that was repeated on to you today!!!!!
Lets not have a short memory and deal with these human beings with dignity and fairness.I am happy if my or any kids mix with other races,it will educate them on,history,culture and most importantly acceptance of others.

[quote='Macbusa' pid='211866' dateline='1270540267']
I agree that we don't know who we are letting into our country, no doubt some percentage of them would be criminals.

Why is the government spending the money bringing them to the mainland... how about they spend that money returning them directly to THEIR country of origion

Because they are in our international waters and we are bound by inter law to help any person who is demanding/need help in our land or sea space!!!
Howard had pretty well stopped the people-smugglers in their tracks. Several years of tough hard-line zero-tolerance flushed down the gurgler the minute Rudd got in. I say we send them all back and sink their boats. You want political Asylum? There's a process, get in line.
(10-04-2010, 06:39pm)highwaybruiser Wrote: Howard had pretty well stopped the people-smugglers in their tracks. Several years of tough hard-line zero-tolerance flushed down the gurgler the minute Rudd got in. I say we send them all back and sink their boats. You want political Asylum? There's a process, get in line.

After watching K. Rudd fend off questions regarding his Imm Policy, he seems completely infazed by the small numbers coming to our border. Immagine having the Mexican problem the USA has.
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
The trouble for the Government (whoever is in) is that they have to take into account the international message as well as gauging domestic opinion. I doubt either side see the actual numbers as a problem, but it's fair game for political mileage. The boats are a bad look, but far, far more come in by plane. These figures are never reported, - many of them have paid people smugglers for advice and assistance as well.

Not all countries have an obligation to accommodate asylum seekers. Australia could just adopt this position as well. We don't because we have more to lose on the international stage, than we have to gain. Much of the World is already ignorant to what Australia stands for, and when they see things like the Cronulla riots or the kick off against the boat people, it just cements their opinion even though these are tiny reactions compared to what has occurred (even recently) in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, the Americas etc...

Criminals also come here ligitimately - that's a tough criticism of any Government handling asylum seekers. There may be a better solution and we can stop the bad look of the boats, but it's not ever going away unless we're prepared to stop being signitories to treaties that significantly contribute to our way of life.
Carpe Diem!
Illegal Immigration is really a poison challice. Buggered if you do buggered if you don't. I know that we are in danger of being overrun by Indian/Pakistani/Sri Lankans, ever Taxi driver, petrol station consol operator and and and is one of the above. Get involved with one in conversation and you realise they are just like you and I, people looking to make Australia their new home, just like my great grand parents parents did.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
(11-04-2010, 07:04pm)Madmax Wrote: Illegal Immigration is really a poison challice. Buggered if you do buggered if you don't. I know that we are in danger of being overrun by Indian/Pakistani/Sri Lankans, ever Taxi driver, petrol station consol operator and and and is one of the above. Get involved with one in conversation and you realise they are just like you and I, people looking to make Australia their new home, just like my great grand parents parents did.


The problem is when our grandparents or greatgreatgreatgrandparents came here well mine came legaly and at the time Australia could support and needed the extra ... now its time goverments said we are FULL soon we will have to get sewer water from China in bottles to drink because face it here in our great land there one major problemo WATER WATER WATER thers not enough even if its not wasted there is still not enough, sum will say yes but now thers floods too much water but we need floods in makes more rain when the vast inland lakes fill up and evaporate again.
Im not sure how informed some are but latest statistics show that unless you guys start having kids NOW this country will be underpopulated and harder to live in due to a low young workforce which in return will strain all the financial resources.The age gap here is off the charts and unless having kids is not an option you have to try and attract migrants from established,highly technical countrys to come here.They will import their knowledge,expertise and ideas which in return the country would benefit from.Regarding water,Im not sure why this is a problem as it seems that one important factor here is always left out and forgotten:BETTER WATER MANAGMENT,countrys overseas have been using a reverse Osmosis system for decades,but here in Aus it seems that it never crosses any ones mind.oooops my bad was once put forward to the Howie goverment but it was refused or passed on cause the ashes where on or too busy keeping the billion dollar corporations happy !!!!!!!!!!!!
(12-04-2010, 08:03am)1300hayabusa Wrote: Im not sure how informed some are but latest statistics show that unless you guys start having kids NOW this country will be underpopulated and harder to live in due to a low young workforce which in return will strain all the financial resources.The age gap here is off the charts and unless having kids is not an option you have to try and attract migrants from established,highly technical countrys to come here.They will import their knowledge,expertise and ideas which in return the country would benefit from.Regarding water,Im not sure why this is a problem as it seems that one important factor here is always left out and forgotten:BETTER WATER MANAGMENT,countrys overseas have been using a reverse Osmosis system for decades,but here in Aus it seems that it never crosses any ones mind.oooops my bad was once put forward to the Howie goverment but it was refused or passed on cause the ashes where on or too busy keeping the billion dollar corporations happy !!!!!!!!!!!!
I notice your from Queensland ....come to south aus not to any city but out were the food is grown in the country the place were milk comes out of cows not the carton meat comes from animals not the shop yes it needs water all of it ... water we rely on it the average rain fall here is under 300mm in most places a good area is a rain fall of 500mm a year... we wont need a work force the way its going we wont have jobs we wont have busas, we need a goverment like in Italy they have to do what the people want or what they promise at elections or they get shot, it keeps them honest...yes its a touchy subject refugees buts it like aboriginal funding it needs addressing and fast....... not for more but stopping it...

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