grips and vibration issue
hI guys, does any body in busa land have a brand of grip or solution to numbing vibration through the bars mainly on the throttle side if i can nail this problem the bus will be perfection, at the moment my hand is numb after say 40ks cheers steve

Do you have OE barends or aftermarket?

Try sponge grips worked for me
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
sponge is the only way to go.
U will never go back.
Dont start me!!!!
I agree with the other guys...sponge grips and maybe even a set of gloves with gel pads in the palms...they worked for me on my '03.
I don't think you guys should consider a Harley any time soon.

Btw bill, what were you getting at regards bar ends. How does a lighter bar end effect the bike?
Consider a what?? A harley you say?? What's that.....some kind of boat anchor????
(05-03-2010, 07:42pm)[UNIT] Wrote: I don't think you guys should consider a Harley any time soon.

Btw bill, what were you getting at regards bar ends. How does a lighter bar end effect the bike?

Bar-ends are designed to reduce vibration - They are weighted and designed for minimum vibration around all RPM range.
(05-03-2010, 03:57pm)Bill Gaheer Wrote: Steve,

Do you have OE barends or aftermarket?


stock bar ends and grips Bill
ClapUndecidedHey guys have bought a pair of joe rocket gloves with gel palm inserts they make a big differance and also fitted a throttlemeister friction lock cruise control from SRW Moto they make two types stock weight and heavy which i chose the added weight does take more buzz out of the bar cheers Steve
When this problem has been raised before by other members, it has been found that the standard handle bar fittings had been replaced with a non rubber mounted ones or bar risers had been fitted.
I suggest that you just check that yours is stock before needing to alter anything else.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
(05-03-2010, 08:42pm)CeeJay07 Wrote: Consider a what?? A harley you say?? What's that.....some kind of boat anchor????
It's an agricultural implement. A tractor.

I'm surprised about the vibration comment. The busa is one of the smoothest bikes I've ridden. The F6 Goldwing pips it though.

I think a CZ400 was the worst vibrating bike I ever rode. I shot blood for a week after every excursion. Those eastern bloc engineers did have trouble making round ball bearings.


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