pics of house checked today
[Image: Roofinsulation033.jpg]

[Image: Roofinsulation030.jpg]

[Image: Roofinsulation009.jpg]

[Image: Roofinsulation003.jpg]

[Image: Roofinsulation022.jpg]

[Image: Roofinsulation024.jpg]

can you spot the faults

another classy install job done one of the major contracting companies here on the coast.

i was installing insulation long before the stimuls package, thankstothe shonkies and unqualified my amajor portion of my business is stuffed

so i have opened

should be up and running live in the next few days

120 000 homes will be audited out of 1.1 site will have a name and shame page to help protect home owners

I am a BSA licenced operator (which should of been the minimum requirement to start with) and also a qualified assessor within the construction industry

these shonksters destroyed my business its time to fight back
[Image: Roofinsulation033.jpg]
[Image: Roofinsulation005.jpg]

you may state to see these flyers about

[Image: ic.jpg]
try again
sorry about typos and repeat of pic been a long day
[Image: ica.jpg]

and next generation rider(my youngest)

[Image: kids2297.jpg]
That's a stylish job of laying down batts ain't it!!!! The person responsible should be wrapped up in batts and booted off the highest nearby cliff!!
A job very well managed by the government aye!

Just watch them trying to deflect any attention to this rather shithouse attempt at stimulating the economy.
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Government seeks top-level probe of insulation rorting, amid claims of organised crime links
By Cathy Alexander From: AAP March 04, 2010 6:47PM

THE Federal Government is set to order an urgent, high-level investigation amid new claims its botched home insulation scheme was rorted by operators possibly linked to organised crime.

Frontbencher Greg Combet, who is in charge of cleaning up the insulation mess, has written to the Federal Auditor-General pressing for a full, fast-tracked audit.

The insulation scheme was canned after it was linked to the deaths of four installers, at least 93 house fires, and safety and quality problems potentially affecting hundreds of thousands of homes.

The Federal Opposition says a new problem has emerged. It alleges dodgy operators claimed the Government's rebate of up to $1600 per roof without installing any insulation. Opposition climate spokesman Greg Hunt said some householders had received letters from the Government asking if they were happy with their new roof insulation - which had never been installed.

Names had been taken out of phonebooks and signatures forged, and "Peter Garrett just wrote the cheque", Mr Hunt said, referring to the Federal Environment Minister who was in charge of rolling out the scheme.

"It now appears as if there is systemic fraud and problems of phantom insulation under the disastrous home insulation program," he said.

Mr Hunt raised the possibility of criminal fraud and an organised crime link.

Mr Combet, the junior Climate Change Minister, expressed disgust at the claims of rorting.

"I am disgusted by the reports of alleged fraudulent conduct associated with the Home Insulation Program," he said in a statement.

Mr Combet promised to take all appropriate steps to investigate the fraud allegations and is taking advice on how to proceed.

The Auditor-General, Ian McPhee, has yet to decide whether he will undertake an audit.

Mr Combet urged him to make a decision "as a matter of high importance", saying if an audit goes ahead it should be "expedited".

Three instances of alleged insulation fraud have been referred to Australian Federal Police.

Mr Garrett has been stripped of responsibility for the scheme.

Original Story here
So here comes the next wave of scamers let me check your insulation

$45 for quick check Then sorry people your house is in need of repair 4-500 shoul fix it even if it dont need fixing

Not saying your a scammer but you can see this happen Confused
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
unbeliveable guess this is what happens when unskilled con artist instead of qualifeid people do things
(05-03-2010, 04:17pm)ROD Wrote: So here comes the next wave of scamers let me check your insulation

$45 for quick check Then sorry people your house is in need of repair 4-500 shoul fix it even if it dont need fixing

Not saying your a scammer but you can see this happen Confused

only the uniformed and the stupid would shoot there mouth off before they investigate rod,

I can understand your concern and how this may occur

i take offense rod to be put in the same class even though you say i am not an actual scammer.

i am at a point where i am almost embarrassed to say i own an insulation/plastering and painting company

these pricks f****d my legitimate business, remember i was around long before the stimulus package 22yrs now

My family has been affected immensely by this entire mess and now i am taking steps to get my own back since the gov wont.

mate we provide photographic evidence of the bad workmanship and submit reports to fair trading and the installers hotline.

Only a complete idiot or the gullible would contract a installer or inspector without checking credentials in the first place but unfortunately this has happened due human greed thinking i better get in now why i can

so far this week i have saved 4 properties from potential fires, one had actual melted transforms due to been covered not to a mention others had poor installs and missing rooms

society needs this service, rod did you take up the gov offer, if you did, are you sure you didn't get ripped off will your insuarance company cover your home if it burns down and if the gov wont check your house who will

my time is worth a lot more then 45 for probably 2 hrs work per job, this my friend is a personal vendetta to get even with the ones who f****d me over

anyone who knows me on this board will vouch that i am a genuine person, in fact my wife and i are also foster parents and i am a sports co ordinator for a community group for mild to moderate intelligently impaired teenagers

anyone who wants to challenge my motives are more then welcome


i just arrived home after starting at 5.30am this morning its now 8.30pm

my last client just paid for the entire install because she was not eligible under rebate, i just went through her building contract and found it was suppose to included when she signed the contract with her builder, we will now pursue the builder for reimbursement on her behalf

she is 82 half blind and hubby 87 and practically a cripple due to 2 recent heart attacks i am more then happy to provide you with their number and clarify to prove i am not one of the crooks!!

Mate you wont see many doggy inspectors as there is not enough money in it for them

My only worry is i have uncovered major companies which have installed hundreds of homes which now they have to fix the workmanship, this will cost them 100's of thousands

I am worried that i or my family will be a target of revenge

latest reports by the courier mail show that organized crime gangs are involved in this scam
Hi Mia06

OMG... i am shocked at those pics.. I had checked out of interest my installation. It is the type that is 'blown in'. I hav no idea what it is but when the guy came around to show me.. he had a blow torch and it didn't catch on fire when he tired to light it.

The job looked good in my untrained eyes, but how could i tell if it was done bad.. or is it just the instualation batts only they are refering to?

Regards one house onwer who has no idea on what this scam is about.
(Townsville, QLD) (for your sticker and sign needs)

Smitten 03 with a hair dryer - slammed and stretched (stealth mode engaged)
(05-03-2010, 09:30pm)Macbusa Wrote: Hi Mia06

OMG... i am shocked at those pics.. I had checked out of interest my installation. It is the type that is 'blown in'. I hav no idea what it is but when the guy came around to show me.. he had a blow torch and it didn't catch on fire when he tired to light it.

The job looked good in my untrained eyes, but how could i tell if it was done bad.. or is it just the instualation batts only they are refering to?

Regards one house onwer who has no idea on what this scam is about.

hey there macbusa

A little knacked tonight been up since 3.30am
i will send you some pics and photos of what to look for with cellulose insulation via pm tomorrow morning

the big one is that if you have downlights, heat lamps and exhaust fans you need heat shields installed around these lights especially with loose fill products such as cellulose... aka cool and cosy, super cel etc

the fill should be level with your truss(min 90mm depth) and has been leveled with a leveling stick(similar to floating or screening concrete after a pour

personally i feel cellulose is the better of the insualtions available and i will explain why in the pm

one benefit is that the machines which pump in cellulose are not cheap this fact alone may have stopped most shonky operators choosing this type of product to install
No point directing all your heat at me for a simple point if you cant handle my point you best get out now as its going to get alot worse

if people receive your flyer in leter box with a $45 check of your batts or a simular flyer from bob down the road saying dont pay $45 to have you batts checked we do it for free .
Who will 90% go with the free one wich will cost them more in the long run .
This sort of thing has happend before in business and will defently happen again
You say you are a BSA licenced operator but ask most people what that means and if it does not save them $ the want give a rats

BSA blody stupid assholes
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
(06-03-2010, 11:33am)ROD Wrote: No point directing all your heat at me for a simple point if you cant handle my point you best get out now as its going to get alot worse

if people receive your flyer in leter box with a $45 check of your batts or a simular flyer from bob down the road saying dont pay $45 to have you batts checked we do it for free .
Who will 90% go with the free one wich will cost them more in the long run .
This sort of thing has happend before in business and will defently happen again
You say you are a BSA licenced operator but ask most people what that means and if it does not save them $ the want give a rats

BSA blody stupid assholes

as you say there is no such thing as free, i am not offering to "we can fix the job" and charge like a wounded buffalo. i am offering a service so home owners and land lords can find piece of mind and help them to recieve from the original contractor (at no cost to them) what they should of recieved

there is no smoke and mirrors behind this flyer and the website will help explain this process

unlike bobs free inspection

yes i was a little feisty last night but so would you if your occupation just came to a screaming halt, being the only income into the household of 4 children, and just spent the last of your families savings on more stock and tele marketing plans which is now worthless due to these shonky operators and gov poor planing

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