Custom Gixxer K8 Busa! progress pics..
Hi all

Here's some pics of my K8 busa. Im part the way thru customising the bike. Not everyones cup-of-tea but im pretty eager to see it finished. Hold off judgement till im finished! Very Happy

So far i've nearly finished making/fitting the gixxer tail. Have to extend the wiring harness and get a seat made and weld up some exhaust hangers.
Ive fitted a K5 or K6 gixxer front guard. And now sourcing a hugger.
As soon as the wiring and custom seat is done im pulling the fairings, guard, hugger and tank off to be sprayed, along with the rims and a few other small items. Im not too sure on the colour but i want to copy the coloured gen2 scheme mixed in with the coloured gixxer scheme. Hopefully it will tie in well.
Also fitting a 3+ rear sprocket if i can find a speedo healer or similar.

Here are the pics!

btw. before you say its too high i tried to match the angle of the tank stickers and pipes. somewhere in between! Ide rather it a slight bit lower but it sits similar to gixxers with the tip of the tail roughly 1inch higher than the tank.


[Image: IMG_0188.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0189.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0190.jpg]
im totaly impressed mate well done
nice mate looks good
Thanks guys.
Kev - I might be seeing you earlier than expected. Trying to get my electrician mate to come around this week!
not a prob mate
wow looking awesome cant wait to see the finished product!
i like it.. i can't wait to see what it looks like finished
(Townsville, QLD) (for your sticker and sign needs)

Smitten 03 with a hair dryer - slammed and stretched (stealth mode engaged)
(09-01-2010, 03:24pm)[UNIT] Wrote: Hi all

Here's some pics of my K8 busa. Im part the way thru customising the bike. Not everyones cup-of-tea but im pretty eager to see it finished. Hold off judgement till im finished! Very Happy

So far i've nearly finished making/fitting the gixxer tail. Have to extend the wiring harness and get a seat made and weld up some exhaust hangers.
Ive fitted a K5 or K6 gixxer front guard. And now sourcing a hugger.
As soon as the wiring and custom seat is done im pulling the fairings, guard, hugger and tank off to be sprayed, along with the rims and a few other small items. Im not too sure on the colour but i want to copy the coloured gen2 scheme mixed in with the coloured gixxer scheme. Hopefully it will tie in well.
Also fitting a 3+ rear sprocket if i can find a speedo healer or similar.

Here are the pics!

btw. before you say its too high i tried to match the angle of the tank stickers and pipes. somewhere in between! Ide rather it a slight bit lower but it sits similar to gixxers with the tip of the tail roughly 1inch higher than the tank.


[Image: IMG_0188.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0189.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0190.jpg]

Unit, Speedo healer from Pashnit USA $115 USD Free delivery.

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here
Thanks. I just messages him on the .org forum!
Hey Unit, I have a speedo healer and a Vortex 45t rear sprocket yours for $100
Pm sent mate.
Im looking for places to paint the bike? Does anyone have some recomendations?
Is there any problem taking fairings/tank to a car smash repairs?
Just a quick update.

I've got all the sensors mounted just waiting on a mate to come extend the wiring and hopefully she will fire tomorow night!!

Can't wait :) it's all go from the moment it starts
Hey unit great job mate. I think that the gixxer conversion looks the goods, and makes the bike look 50kg lighter. Well done mate, looks tops. By the way, was the front guard a bolt up replacement, or did you need to mod it. Im thinking about polishing my wheels, but with all the effort and that, I need to be able to see them, and your front guard looks the goods.
the front guard was a straight bolt on. i did some research but ive since forgotten what other years fit. im sure the 08 ones fit and are even smaller again but i got mine free so i cant complain.
btw the tail is actually alot lighter too. woulda saved the best part of 5kg i reckon.

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