Parking Ticket Issued To A Dog !

Well, itâ€s been yet another interesting week. Following on from our last e-mail update, where we provided links to the reports showing that 45% of people who challenge their fines are now getting off, things have really started heating up. In case you missed it, please go to our News/Updates page - – to catch up on this and any other update e-mail that you may have missed.

Anyway, now that we have so many Members successfully fighting back against unjust and unlawful fines, these agencies have become increasingly desperate to raise their precious revenue and they have resorted to some extraordinary tactics.

We have been sent a number of reports over the past week or so but the two below really grabbed our attention in respect to illustrating jut how desperate they have now become.

The first story – believe it or not – relates to a parking ticket that was issued to a dog! Yes, you read correctly, a dog! Check out the story below for full details:,27574,260...21,00.html

If thatâ€s not blatant revenue raising and pure desperation then we donâ€t know what is!

And, hereâ€s another one to make you want to start taking serious action against the people that we elected to look after us:

Please, if anyone of you out there requested your politicians to take measures like this then please let us know. If any of you condone this type of deceptive and subversive behavior, again, drop us a line. Otherwise, we would urge you all to start sending a message back to the governments and their agents that this type of behavior will not be tolerated!

But wait, thereâ€s more! Not only are they going to ridiculous lengths to try and issue more fines but, given that so many people are now fighting back against these unjust and unlawful fines, certain state governments are trying to bring in totally preposterous legislation.

In the story below, you will see that in South Australia they are trying to suggest that a solitary Justice of the Peace now has the authority to hear a case in respect to a so-called “quasi-criminal” fine:,00.html

Now, as we have explained in great detail in our e-book, a solitary Magistrate – which is really just a Bail Justice – has no authority to hear these cases, despite the fact that do so every day because people let them get away with it. But, by no stretch of anyoneâ€s imagination, could they ever assert that a Justice of the Peace has any right to do so what-so-ever!

Should you require some independent verification of a number of legal points – including the one above - that we make in our e-book, we would direct you to the following website:

On this website you will see further proof that a single Judge or Magistrate does not constitute a lawful court. They re-iterate what we say about local councils having no lawful authority and they touch on the point of a Referendum, which is explained in much greater detail in our chapter on Parking Fines, in the our e-book. They also explain why costs cannot be awarded against you, even if you lose and they also touch on the ramifications of the Forge v ASIC ruling.

We receive e-mails every week asking us if our information works in such and such state and, as we explain – and this website verifies – because our e-book relies on Commonwealth legislation and because Section 109 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, the information we provide applies equally to all states.

It is important to point out that we have no affiliation with this website at all, it is just something that was forwarded to us by a number of our Members who also noticed the striking similarity in a number of points that are raised both on this website and in our e-book.

Thankfully, people are finally starting to wake up to the truth about these ridiculous revenue raising fines. And, because so many people are successfully fighting back, a number of these agencies are being forced to “come clean”.

In the following story about parking fines from the City of Melbourne, they freely admit that “parking fines were excellent revenue raisers for the city.” They then go onto admit what we have said all along “That fine revenue is built into the cityâ€s budget each year.” Now, how can that possibly be seen as anything other than blatant revenue raising?

However, as we said in last weekâ€s e-mail, there is no need to despair because the average person now has more or less a 50/50 chance of getting off any fine they object to and, armed with our information, that chance is dramatically increased.

To find out just how successful our Members are at avoiding these unjust and unlawful fines, please take a moment to read over our Testimonials page -

Also, we came across the following story which again confirms one of the key strategies for fighting any and all types of speeding fines – the photo from a speed camera cannot be used as evidence against you and interference affects all types of speed detection devices. See the story below for full details:,00.html

Our e-book contains actual paragraphs from the training manuals for radar, laser and speed camera devices which explain the various types of interference in detail and exactly what you need to do, step-by-step, to avoid paying these ridiculous and unjust fines.

So, if you donâ€t have a copy of our e-book yet, then please go to our Membershipâ€s page - - and join up now.

Finally, we would like to thank all of you, once again, who have kindly offered to hand out business cards on our behalf and place bumper stickers on your vehicles. We have just received our latest run of stickers and a new batch of business cards will be arriving in the next few days so if anyone would like to assist us in spreading the word and putting an end to the current corrupt and unlawful system then please e-mail us. Be sure to let us know how many stickers or cards you are after and include your postal address and we will send them out to you free of charge.

As always, we welcome you to forward these e-mails on to everyone you know and hopefully, as the last few mailouts clearly show, we will continue making an impact and we will finally be in a position for the government to take note of the many new strategies and ideas that we have on our Vision for the Future page -

Thanks again and stay safe out there!

The Team at Aussie Speeding Fines
yep. wankers!
had my court case on Mon, and got off my fine for having my arm out the window...
Judge looked at me and said "are you serious?" ... "thats what i said Sir!"

Section 10... dismissed.

GenII Hunter Knuppel2
Well done Hutch...

Good to see some common sense is out there.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
(17-09-2009, 07:20pm)BUSGO Wrote: Well done Hutch...

Good to see some common sense is out there.

what wouldve happened if i was riding my bike, and then i decided to roll my ankles or stretch my legs out in front??? ???

any excuse to make a buck i reckon!
GenII Hunter Knuppel2
That would have to be one of the biggest piles of bull*%it and double talk I have ever read.
Well done Hutch - i was just chatting to a friend and told them about that fine the other day --- thanks for the follow up - did you give the officer a "f*&kyou" look when you won the case ?
Hayabusa , If your not on one , your behind one .....
(18-09-2009, 06:33am)Ozboc Wrote: Well done Hutch - i was just chatting to a friend and told them about that fine the other day --- thanks for the follow up - did you give the officer a "f*&kyou" look when you won the case ?

nope... the dickhead wasnt there!
Judge gave me the "sorry for wasting your time Undecided "

couldve given me $2hundy for the day off work!hahaha.
GenII Hunter Knuppel2

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