The useless bits of info to see if we can make a million posts thread
Did SFA....

Not a thing,

cept watch a couple of DVD's...
Back to work tomorrow...

with drugs on board...

sigh, it will be a long day!!!
Not many good DVD's out lately - watched all below par DVD's...
And soon, back to bed for sleep.

and then its another day...
How is everyone else???

Happy and healthy I hope...
Hate it when you sick well annoyingly sick, you can't ride your bike...

as your sneezing so much you can't wear a helmet...

sigh.. well it annoyed the crap outta me.
Can't wait till I stop...
Then its back to the bike...yay...
Man I suck at posting lately...

dunno why...
well have fun all...

I'm outta here again...
get better soon missy

we missy you sometimes
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
BikerBumpwent on a great ride today
born to be mild
and met some club members
born to be mild
and all are real nice peoplePi_thumbsup
born to be mild
but thay all can ride faster than me ShowbackLol3
born to be mild

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