The useless bits of info to see if we can make a million posts thread
Was watching one of my dogs having a nightmare before, funny stuff...cruel to laugh but still, ya gotta...

Doggy dreams...

Doggy cries...

ok see you lot.

week away.

gunna pack up puter now..
Doggie Videos Lol3
never fly higher than your angel.
I'm still stuck here!!!
waiting for phone call to give me a plane ticket outta here for the rest of the week, sigh!!!!
All the darn phone calls, to & fro.... Fro I tell you the moby nearly went for a fro!
cyclone was all huff, and no puff ere!
I hate waiting...
its sunny here...

can hear the jets engines - soooo tantilizing
ring moby ring....
I am flying outta here this afternoon.
flying down late today..

will miss today's school. ha ha

But get the rest of the week
ok - so now bored for rest of day...

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