The useless bits of info to see if we can make a million posts thread
Just went and saw "The Watchmen".... was pretty good, would like to see it again though, the story chops and changes, sort of like pulp fiction. But can definately see effects like out of "300" in there, and also seems a bit like "Sin City"...
I better ramble about something here....had an error and posted same thing twice, so coverying up my boo-boo...

Soooo...err....LOOK OVER THERE!!!

thats a maine coon!!!!!

i have 3 of those cats...

very exxy pussy..
$1000 per cat..

an american breed and they say they are the worlds biggest domestic cat..

grow normally to 10 kilos(males)

on harry potter the weird janitor has one
They all taste the same from the local chinese shop Pi_tongue
lmao so they do as well as KFC

but i love my pussies
cheeky Wrote:but i love my pussies

Think there is a few of us in that boat....some cat are alright too! Coolsmiley
Um no comment cheeky about your pussies nor Busgo about his beavers.

Yup you know your in trouble when your fortune cookies says

"That wasn't chicken"
oh i couldnt eat cat nor dog!!

but i have eaten horse

trix your too funny woman!!!!


busgo has beavers??? isnt there a cream for that?
rains back
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
cheeky Wrote:oh i couldnt eat cat nor dog!!

but i have eaten horse

trix your too funny woman!!!!


busgo has beavers??? isnt there a cream for that?

Mortadella is horse me finks Undecided
never fly higher than your angel.
Gnarbunkle99 Wrote:rains back

never fly higher than your angel.
bugger you gnarbunkle rub it in...

we had 19 mm for the year to date :SS
Hope it rains here over the next couple of days, rain at work = rest time
gnarbunkle do you actually take notice of anyone?
BED TIMECoolrasta
born to be mild

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