Only in Qeensland.....
I was up in Cairns for a week of r & r and happened to be reading the local newspaper (Cairns Post) where I spotted a story about a break in & smash & grab (so to speak) Very Happy

Turns out that one night a local lad smashed his way through a rear wall to gain access to premises occupied by the local sex shop Confused Once inside Police allege that he huffed & puffed and blew a rubber doll up........... then ravished it (evidence left would suggest) RollNot satisfied with that, he huffed & puffed again on 2 more & did those as well...Roll

Only in Queensland Lol3
Never ride the A model of anything.
Is Cairns part of Queensland Ghastly
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
Latest news on msn said it was a Busa owner from Melbourne Confused
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
Couldn't be busa has a new owner & lives in Sydney nowadays.......Coffee Very Happy
Never ride the A model of anything.
because you had too sell it too pay for the fines for the break and entering and violation of the blow ups .lol
i wonder if there going to sell them dolls for half price cause there now used???
Yeah right Cheeks.............but like John Wayne always said......."that'll be the day.......... Pilgrim"...Very Happy

Saw another weird thing on the way up to Atherton.........I spotted this mesh cage with a smashed car in it........on the way back I noticed it had a motorbike jammed in the side of it. Supposed to be some sort of safety message, but in reality it's just a total distraction likely to cause accidents Confused
Never ride the A model of anything.

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