Latest board direction
Ok im gonna get abused for this but i have to say it!!
i think we need to take a look at the direction our threads are heading in particular the damsel in distress thread. now no offence to miss damsel and her intentions as it started well, but i think the thread has taken a turn for the worse along with a number of other threads about the place. at the moment id be embarrased to recomend a newby here and have them read whats gone on in that thread aswell as some others. they have taken a decidely sexual turn. its almost as if we are all lining up with cocks in hand hoping for a swing at the action and thats fine but thats what pm's and swapping emails and phone numbers are for, that or we have a seperate locked area that visitors cant see where this sort of thing can go on. on two seperate occasions i have recomended people sign up only to be told by them later on after they visited the site there not interested due to the crap thats gone on. can we maybe shut down the damsel in distress thread as the search can continue without the thread and i believe the thread is doing no one on here any favours at all. ok abuse away

I gotta agree with the sentiment. I stopped checking the thread a while back because it was less about finding the guy and more about general flirting so I dont know what has gone on recently.

Although that thread is only one part of a bigger picture and more informative threads are around, we can choose not to read and follow it. I dont know about deleting as it is a free world but we must remember that IF there is more explicit content in there we should be careful as the forum is open to all ages as far as I am aware.

Note:(I am not saying there is explicit content in there because I havent read the thread for a while)
There is no strong performance without a little fanaticism in the performer
im not saying we have to delete it but i think its time it stopped.

I've had a look at recent developments and will move it to the 'Not Bike Related" area for now.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
It needed to be said Dan - "that" thread makes me cringe, what an embarassment.
Don't be a Sookie Sookie La La! Icon_rolleyes

Girls Just wanna have fun! Boobies4
never fly higher than your angel.
Good on you Dan well said.
Horses for courses.
There are plenty of discussions on the board that people either are or are not interested in.
Read what you want and leave the rest behind is what I find works.
No problem.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
I also agree with Danthenman, we yakked about it at length last night. The general theme was fine and the Damsel has maintained her poise quite well. Time to put it away.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
I'd have to say that there are many threads on the board these days that make me want to cringe. But the Damsel thread isn't one of them.

If anything... that particular thread seems to have revived the feeling of fun and community. Remember how the board works... boring threads die a natural death. Threads that people are enjoying go on and on. That thread seems to be incredibly popular. It's harmless - so why should it be subjected to censorship? Even threats of closure.

Why is it that this board will put up with foul language, boasting about incredibly bad behaviour on the roads, abusing those forced to enforce our draconian laws, prattling on about total and absolute garbage.... but somehow... the Damsel thread is too confronting. Hard to understand.

If you don't like a thread... ignore it.

I've recommended people come to this board too Dan... and it's not the Damsel thread that puts them off.
At the risk of being accused of not shaving my armpits again by someone I have never met who has been on the board 5mins, I'm not keen on this either. I get a lot of things from this club, but I don't need to get weird jollies from it (not you Damsel). I've made some really good friends from this list, but I wouldn't have stuck around at the beginning if this had been what I'd walked into. Guess I was just lucky back then.

In saying that, other members of the club are clearly enjoying it. I'm prepared to stay away like I do from the G thread, I'm just voicing my support for Dan's opinion.
WOW.... I don't like McDonalds because it goes against everything I believe in. I don't want to shut it down tho (may want to use their loos sometime). I just don't go there.

I have about a zero tolerance for sleeze and I've tried my hardest to keep it out of the gutter which I hope is obvious. Sorry for having some hope. Bye

I think she has gone.
" Live the Vision "
Quote "When was the last time You did something for the First Time"
although the thread seemed to go on a bit to me, I would rather that type of thread than some of the problem threads we have had in the past...!

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