Sydney - Barrista, Beer, Babes 'n Bull Meetings
It's gonna rain on Christmas day anyway... <i></i>
U know why the gaols are full, because they just keep making new laws. Look at the driving offenders, that end up in goal to mix with the killers and muggers etc. Myabe all they did was to drive disqulified or just caught at a high speed. Now 20+ years ago these offences didnt get u into the nick to mix with the above, but they will keep making new
laws for the doogooders for a few votes.We will eventually become undesired humans with the rocketing laws that are on the table. [coxijuhpsjg]aghafhgfoaibhv'oefjig'fjg'p them."FALLING DOWN" good movie.
I havent had the privilege of having a Hwy Ptrl officer brought home,, as say,, my daughters friend, if i had, i would have picked him up and tossed him over the fence and let the dog piss on him.
Whens the last time a highway patrol told someone what he does for a living at a party????.Enough said.If they want respect for the law,the should employ people that treat the general public with respect.Its called people skills,but that doesn,t raise any money,so can that idea.My mate use to always laugh at my trafiic misdemeanors,until he got done for 6 points doing 47km/hr in a school zone on a double demerit weekend where the double demerits start on the friday.That soon shut him up. <i></i>
Wait for an economy downturn. Most good people aren't attracted to jobs like that. So, they recruit what they can get. I can tell you that first hand, before long, say next year, I will have 17 year old asthmatic crybabies with a wooden leg and a guide dog. We will rewrite the rules so that the guide dog has a 'fair' go. lol. The poor guy doesn't like that he wasn't top of the class, so we will stop scoring and give it a crap term like compentent and not yet competent because pass and fail is too harsh. (this actually happened this year). The good people that had hung on think to hell with it and go and work for k-mart. God, that sounds so jaded but it is actually happening. The way I see it, it can only go so far before it collapses on itself. The cops are no different to us. Some partners don't talk because of the fear of getting caught operating outside the black and white. It must be a tough way to live your life. Better them than me. <i></i>
Spoken like someone with a chip on his shoulder. I'm telling you Spa Man, I respect that you're hurting given what you've been through, and we all agree that there are plenty of bad cops out there, but your generalisations are ludicrous. For them to be anywhere near true you would have to have intimate/direct knowledge about most police officers in NSW, which you obviously don't. You seem to do what the media does... either pick some examples and generalise about the rest of them or rely on unjustified and anecdotal allegations. I DO know a hell of a lot of them and have worked with them for over a decade, and most have their heart in the right place. You never hear mothers who lost their teenage kids after high speed accidents complaining about cops being too harsh. You never hear wives who had husbands killed while drink driving complaining cops are too harsh. YOU never hear the traumatic descriptions of what road carnage Highway Patrol Officers put up with on a regular basis. You are only looking at it from your perspective. You don't work in prisons every day. You rely on more anecdotal information. Do a search on the Bureau of stats and you'll notice crime is increasing, population is increasing, and as a result we need more prisons... though the crimes people are in prison for that are increasing the most are violent crimes, not traffic offences. 80 coppers are leaving a month. Probably true. How many are Hwy Patrol?

Quote:Paying $600 a week for 6 months to get drivers so you can earn a living allows me to make generalisations

Maybe it does for you, but don't expect rational people to believe them. We have a mind of our own and I'm not going to go around mouthing off about people or stand back to watch you denegrate them all as a group simply because you don't have any respect for them. I am proud of the work police do. I'm glad they do it. I would not want to do what they have to do. If I break the rules and get caught I hope I accept responsibility for my faults. If I am hard-done by, I hope I fight it and speak my mind about any unfairness to my friends. I sure as hell hope I don't go around "throwing out the baby with the bathwater", then arguing and trying to convince my friends that "they are all bastards". <i>Edited by: pan&nbsp; at: 21/12/06 0:28
Yes officer pan.Whatever you say.I also have my own mind.And i,m not blinded by the lie that society is getting worse,just the policing of it.When the average age of a police officer keeps dropping how is that improving the policing of society?By having more of them?What happened to life skills giving them a wiser head,seeing the big picture of each situation,rather than another potential infringement.People make their own judgements based on their exposure and i hear you pan and most general duty coppers I,ve met are half reasonable.I just think rules they are being forced to operate under and those chosen for the job,do not endear respect.How can you police if the public does not respect those who are chosen to enforce it?Knowing several fed police and and met a few gaol wardens now and had my brother work in the gaols gives me beyond media hype of whats happening.I don,t even read the papers.I know a lot of coppers do a lot of good,I wish could see more of it like you do pan.Unfortunately the general public more often sees them for the wrong reasons increasingly everyday,hence the bitter pill.If you are gonna put younger coppers out there at least put some promotional effort into what good work they do for society otherwise society will only judge on their exposure.Now where is that chip pan?Salt and vinegar are my favourite. Life would be boring if everyone had the same views,so open my eyes pan. <i></i>
"Unfortunately the general public more often sees them for the wrong reasons increasingly everyday"
You are probly correct there - they nearly always turn up with bad news of some kind. And we only seek their assistance when we have problems ourselves. So we always see them in a bad / unhappy light.
I, too have noticed that coppers are getting younger, and an unkind person said it was my perspective from an aging viewpoint...well that's just bullshit!!!
Kevin <i></i>
Reply about Boxing Day then? <i></i>
Come to a track day throwdown,I,ll show you round the creek.My speedo healer recall now reads 282km/hr after mondays effort.That should be enough fun for ya.Not a young authoratarian in sight. <i></i>
Spa man said:
Quote:Now where is that chip pan?

It appears to surface about here...

Quote:All the coppers with a pulse have left the force.Only heartless cyborgs are left.They do not give a stuff,in fact they enjoy inflicting as much pain as they are able

Then takes a few steps back:

Quote:I know a lot of coppers do a lot of good


Quote:most general duty coppers I,ve met are half reasonable

Quote:If you are gonna put younger coppers out there at least put some promotional effort into what good work they do for society otherwise society will only judge on their exposure

I guess you could say I disagree with your original statements, but do agree with your later statements.

As for...

Quote:open my eyes pan

I'll leave that possibility open for you in the future, but in the meantime I suggest you do it if you're going to exceed the speed limit on Boxing day with Throwdown...

I'm stepping down now...

Look... all very interesting but can you please take it to another thread, agree to disagree or kiss and make up ?

I'm all for free speech, getting one's point across, listening to multiple points of view on the same subject - all leading to a rational debate - but the pivotal word there is 'rational'.

Not making a value call on the subject matter, just hoping some of the peace, joy and good will towards all men vibe of the Christmas season might kick in some time soon.

The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob<i>Edited by: AstroBusa at: 22/12/06 18:16
It wasn't me, I wasn't even here when it happened.

Throwdown - the 'on topic' man. <i></i>
Yeah what hapened to the donuts??? I was drooling then this, Penrith 6:30pm on the 28th. <i></i>
I accept and listen to everyones views.Even if they pull me up.Constructive criticism(non personal) is healthy.Sometimes we express our views bluntly when we are tired of political correctness.My exposure to the general public is very broad as is my exposure to traffic police.Pans exposure is quite different.If we both learn from each other we can both tell each other to f*** off and not take offence.Just because i think general duty coppers are ok doesn,t let the highway patrol off the hook,so i haven,t backed down.They are a different breed of person and every general duty copper i,ve spoken too has told me so.Being labelled a donut puncher though?I have to be pretty good friends to laugh that off.Maybe pans just got lots more friends than me?? <i></i>
Ok back on topic now,

Who is in for the 28th???

Cheers Dee <i></i>

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