On the move again
This weekend is it guys. On the move back to Brissy.
The house here in Melbourne has been sold. The family moved 2 mths ago, & I finally get to go myself.

The Melbourne crowd have been great friends over the past 2yrs, & I'm sure will continue to be in the future..........

See you all tomorrow night at Barney Allans.

Good luck with the relocate Bryan.
The ying/yang of global balance remains almost the same with a Brissy member moving down to Newcastle recently.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Welcome back to QLD Bryan. With all the Mexicans here already it won't be much of a transition for you back in to the real world. You get to enjoy all the rainforest rides again!
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. - Not me..... Aristotle
We are all going to miss you here in Mexico B, you have been a great friend. Make sure you don't forget us and be sure to visit when your back in town. Very Happy

I wish all the best for Chrissy and the New Year, please give Meridith and Natasha a kiss from me. Grouphug
never fly higher than your angel.
Fatman C'ya at Barney's for a Beer Coffee2 Beer Coffee2 Beer
never fly higher than your angel.
Catch up soon Bryan Pi_thumbsup
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