Vic Cops open season in Vic
All this talk about the kid attacked them, he may have been standing , walking towards them ,he may have been 5 mtrs away when they opened fire. Look at Vics record on shootings by police, i am sure they do there practice other wise they wouldnt have killed so many down there. Never forget the news when a dude had a samuri sword in the middle of the road IN FRONT OF THE PUBLIC EYE They didnt shoot him dead to many watching. As far as i am concerned they are trigger happy down there, and should be brought into line for there own sake as i said the kids who get pissed and carry on may instead carry guns from now on and not 10 foot knives

Busdriver (aka Les)
The TASER issue I asked a member about a couple of months ago and the jury is still out. Reason being that in the US reports are that the recipiant of the charge hits the dirt like sack of potatoes and fatalities are occuring from heads hitting objects and concrete on their way down. There is also the heart issue. To say that the victorian cops are trigger happy just shows that some people make comment from emotion and not fact and again I put it to those who people to put themselves in exactly the same situation and lets see how they would react, remember your choice of weapons are a truncheon or a handgun? I know what I would be reaching for!!!! I also reckon that the cops weren't being brave or heroic, they were reacting to a situation the only way they knew and unfortunatly it ended in the death of a member of the public, who put himself in that situation for whatever reason.
Woman,where's my wallet?
And whats for tea?
Funny thing if i did that to protect my family in my house(shoot someone dead and he only had a knife) I would be at least charged with manslaughter...
kawasuki Wrote:Funny thing if i did that to protect my family in my house(shoot someone dead and he only had a knife) I would be at least charged with manslaughter...

Fair point Coolsmiley

On the Fence Icon_rolleyes
never fly higher than your angel.
Training for ANY police officer in the world is to shoot for centre mass. 1 because it is pretty hard to miss like legs etc, 2 it is going to stop them (that's why it's called shoot to stop, NOT shoot to kill like the media like to portray) Would you like them to shoot for his legs, miss & hit some innocent bystander?
They emptied 2 cans of OC spray on him. The majority of the time, OC spray only fails to work on amphetamines users, ie someone who is as high as a kite! You take 1 ice head, 2 knives, numerous failures to comply with reasonable directions & a continued threatened presence to attack police like he was displaying, I'm not surprised they dropped him.
Remember, standard training, centre mass & double tap.

The main reason all frontline police don't have tazers.... Too many bleeding heart hypocrites whinging about police being able to zap people. These fucken idiots whinged about the police getting them, NOW they're fucken whinging about them NOT having them & having to shoot a 15 year old kid!! JESUS!!

Well said 2wheelfreak. I'm usually the first to whinge about cops, but in this case I support their actions. The way I see it, it's one less f@#khead on the street.
humbussa Wrote:Not sure if it's still the case but my Dad was a cop for 12 years and they were trained to shoot at the central body mass to eliminate the possible injury to nearby people, if they were caught firing at any other part of the body they would face diciplinary action......Max is this till the case?
this incident happened at a skate park so plenty of concrete for the bullets to bounce off and possibly injure or kill people up to 50 meters away...I don't really like cops a whole bunch but in that situation you just don't know what you'd do, i guess the coroner will come to some conclution that will try to apease both parties.
Yes, still center of seen mass. I believe he was yelling "Kill me, I'm going to kill you" or words to that effect. Pretty damned scary for all concerned.
Just watched the poor mother of the youngster in the teev. Poor bugger, she can't comprehend what went wrong with her little bloke. A real heart breaker all around.
The consequences for the plod will probably be up to 18 months away from their regular duties, while a brief is prepared for the Coroner. Their firearms will have been taken off them, they have been drug tested, alco - tested. It's just so easy to sit back in the comfort of our homes in the cold light of day and pontificate on what we would or would not have done, with the assistance of hind-sight.

The coppers had been dispatched to a male person, no age given, who had just stolen two large knives and was walking through a public area holding them threateningly. What happened then we will have to wait to be able to confirm.

The Coroner will investigate and make known his findings.
I fully appreciate Ray's point of view, he has just been monstered by a plod who did exactly the wrong thing. He will pay the price eventually old boy. Don't the two incidents involved - There is no nexus.

The plod don't double tap anymore. The Ron Levy shooting on the beach in Sydney stopped all agencies double tapping when that Coroner asked the question "Would one shot have stopped the attack?" They were only doing what they had been taught to do.

One shot and assess-reassess, if the behaviour/threat has not stopped the attach another shot - then assess and reassess. If the behaviour has stopped, make the scene safe, render first aid.
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
I'm sorry but I don't feel bad for that kid. What about the Police and their families. Someone comes at you with a knife you shoot first ask questions later. It's all too easy to cast dispersions on the actions taken by the police AFTER the fact and with the benefit of hindsight.
kawasuki Wrote:Funny thing if i did that to protect my family in my house(shoot someone dead and he only had a knife) I would be at least charged with manslaughter...

You and I both would be breaking the law. The cops are paid to up hold the law!!!!
Woman,where's my wallet?
And whats for tea?
rightly so , and should be trained to do so. Not shoot off a few rounds a year at a paper target. I am no marksman but i reckon i could stop any human with a gun without getting hurt myself and not killing the object, of course if they are armed with a gun ,open season. Shit i know a copper who pulled over a car and asked the lady driver to get out her lic. when she went for the glove box to get her purse he put two rounds in her. She didnt die but there are plenty out there in uniform that shouldnt have a gun . ANd he is a friend of mine.
kawasuki Wrote:Funny thing if i did that to protect my family in my house(shoot someone dead and he only had a knife) I would be at least charged with manslaughter...

Sadly that is a true comment. I think there have been previous cases who have found a sympathetic jury but it should never have gotten that far. If someone wakes up to a stranger in their house they should have the neutralize the perceived threat by any means at their disposal. A threat to me is no less dangerous than a threat to a copper.
There is no strong performance without a little fanaticism in the performer
Looks like the poor coppers must have been scared shitless, as the shot 10 rounds at the kid and hit him 6 times ,good shootin for about 5mtrs ( well close enough to spray him with the spray ,or did they)
Anyway the mum looks like taking action, and reckons the shooters should be charged with murder,, interesting situation. I hope they get what they deserve ,might be a bravery medal might be a little time with the soap droppers.
kawasuki Wrote:Looks like the poor coppers must have been scared shitless, as the shot 10 rounds at the kid and hit him 6 times ,good shootin for about 5mtrs ( well close enough to spray him with the spray ,or did they)
Anyway the mum looks like taking action, and reckons the shooters should be charged with murder,, interesting situation. I hope they get what they deserve ,might be a bravery medal might be a little time with the soap droppers.

And it gets better, they chased the kid all round the place till they cornered him (eye witness). They should have just shot him in the back while he was running AWAY form them,would have saved them another can of spray. I will withhold my emotional comments untill we see what happens with the inquiry.
kawasuki Wrote:
kawasuki Wrote:Looks like the poor coppers must have been scared shitless, as the shot 10 rounds at the kid and hit him 6 times ,good shootin for about 5mtrs ( well close enough to spray him with the spray ,or did they)
Anyway the mum looks like taking action, and reckons the shooters should be charged with murder,, interesting situation. I hope they get what they deserve ,might be a bravery medal might be a little time with the soap droppers.

And it gets better, they chased the kid all round the place till they cornered him (eye witness). They should have just shot him in the back while he was running AWAY form them,would have saved them another can of spray. I will withhold my emotional comments untill we see what happens with the inquiry.

My last comment on this issue because it is obvious that you have a bias against the constabullary. Of course they were chasing him, he broke the law, he was carrying weapons that have the pontential to cause greivous bodily harm, so yes get him off the street. Who is to say that the (eye witness) doesn't have the same bias against coppers that you do. Now here is a point of view that is un-informed and is just an assumption, this kid has probably been in and out of trouble with the law for some years, maybe gone through the court system on more than one occassion, possibly known by the police. Was a member of a white supremist group (Here-say). Now here is a statement that is as irrational as the one that you think vic cops are trigger happy. With the beauty of hindsight the cops may have averted another Martin Bryant or Julien Knight! 2 remorseless murderers that thank f@%k are locked away. Just want to let you know that I have been no goody-2-shoes in my 48years and when I have been nabbed I have deserved it because I was breaking the law, but the good experiences I've had with the law far out weigh the bad. I believe the reason for a lot of public negativity toward the police is thanks to the sensationalist jouralism that dwells on the bad, one headline comes to mind (15yo BOY Gunned down by police). Yep that made people buy newspapers and watch the news. Where in the papers or on the news is it reported that the very copshop that these coppers are stationed at donate time and money and other resources to a local halfway house for troubled youth.
Anyway enough said!!!!!
Woman,where's my wallet?
And whats for tea?

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