Sydney - Barrista, Beer, Babes 'n Bull Meetings
No worries Ruff stuff.

Hope SOMEBODY shows up... I can't sit there telling myself about my triumph over Leonard all night... or can I?
10.742 @ 219.69kph<i></i>
Just about to wash up and dress ARHH shit sumkunt might be still on the forum.. Cheers,
Sorry Pan Im in <i></i>
Woo hoo.
3 of us.
Twas a quiet night (apart from 01's "little incident" in the car park!). We all popped into Tycho's work, but they had knocked off for the night.

Next week...
10.742 @ 219.69kph<i></i>
What 'little incident' ?????????? The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob<i></i>
Uuuuuuuuuumh, nuffin... <i></i>
Tell Astro nuffin, should call him Ghost rider.(honda) Lucky we saw him once just to put a face to the words.. Cheers,
Quote:What 'little incident'

Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just a poor slow copies !!!!!<i></i>
Can't say.
Ask 01Busa.

Would've been fine if he'd seen the police in the car park BEFORE the incident though!

Are you still in QLD Simmo. May have to put you in Quarantine when you get back.
10.742 @ 219.69kph<i></i>
Pan I'm selling my bike and getting a Copper one, what do you think Bruce

N2O no laughing matter

Bruce ? You want to get a copper bike ? I didn't think you liked BMW's ?

The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob<i></i>
False alarm Astro. Just Simmo sitting at Bruce's computer before we went out on Saturday...
10.742 @ 219.69kph<i></i>
Phew ! The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob<i></i>
This one will be my last one for a while, as my contract work in Parra is coming to an end...

Anyone else coming along? I need tips for lapping Eastern Creek as I will be doing it for the first time on Friday morning.
Come along with your advice... or else I'll have to take the advice Busgo doens't use...
10.742 @ 219.69kph<i></i>
Best advice pan is to do as many courses as you can,and do regular track days.Learn the discipline and lock it in with motor skills as too many things are happening at once to think about them all.This leaves you with gradually a clearer head to react to unforseen slides,wheelies etc or how long you want that blackie out of the corner. .Maybe you should try my bike after a couple of track days at the creek first.If you think the drags are scary but fun wait till you have been round the creek. Glenn the Spa Man<i></i>

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