The useless bits of info to see if we can make a million posts thread
136. My dog dug a hole through the wall trying to get to a rabbit under my trailer. I have to get it patched because the trailer is for sale and someone is coming to look at it tomorrow. This excuse was from one of my co-workers!!!
never fly higher than your angel.
137. I cannot come into work today because I came down with a bad case of something or other.
never fly higher than your angel.
138. I was taking a shower and I drop the soap, as I reached down to pick it up ,I slipped an fell in the shower, which caused me to bust my lip ,twist my ankle, strain my back, stub my finger, and get soap in my eyes.
never fly higher than your angel.
139. We have a horse and it has a habit of escaping, one morning I was running late as it was I leave my driveway, get on the road what do I see but the family horse trotting down the road. Well this is a stubborn horse and took me quite a while to get the horse back home. After this I called work and told them what had happen, the laughter was overwhelming, but I do think they believed me.
never fly higher than your angel.
140. Friends of mine were performing in a band. They had a really important gig one Friday night. I knew this date and told my boss that I could not work late that night. Well me asked me that night to work late. I told him with a straight face. Sorry sir I have to go to a bar tonight and listen to some bad music.
never fly higher than your angel.
141. Since some people still consider homosexuality a sickness it stands to reason that we can call into work "gay" in, I can't come in to work today, I'm gay.
never fly higher than your angel.
142. I won't be in hair wont start.
never fly higher than your angel.
143. This excuse was called in by an employee one Friday morning where my stepfather was working about 20 years ago. " I won't be able to come in today. It seems that I have some unknown contagious disease; but I'll be fine on Monday". (true excuse)
never fly higher than your angel.
144. I have to leave work early my kotex string broke.......I really used this one it works!
never fly higher than your angel.
145. My husband called in work to tell them he couldn't find his cat and they took that excuse. We did find the cat though and my husband took the rest of the day off.
never fly higher than your angel.
146. A work mate failed to turn up to work one day. Finally in the afternoon one of the managers rang him at home. He had only slept in until 10:00am but his clock had incorrectly displayed 5:00pm, too embarrassed to ring work he went back to sleep.
never fly higher than your angel.
147. Over the years I have missed work or been late due to various illnesses, cars breaking down, sick horses and dogs, emergency babysitting, and even power outages causing the alarm clock to fail. My favorite story is the time my husband and I were late to work at a horse show where we were volunteering. We were over an hour late because the lock on the bathroom door in our hotel room broke, locking my husband inside! Everyone laughed when they thought it was a cute excuse. They laughed even more when they were persuaded it was true!
never fly higher than your angel.
148. Late for work. Boss: Why are you late? Man I went to have my hair cut. Boss: What during works time? Man Well It grows during works time. Boss: Hey listen it doesn't all grow during works time! Man Well that's why I didn't have it all cut off!
never fly higher than your angel.
149. This was actually used when I worked at Dairy Queen. I was out of town with my friend and we had a flat tire so I will not be able to come into work. Her friend that she claimed to be out of town with came though drive through within a hour.
never fly higher than your angel.
150. A former coworker called in with this one: After a bad storm, her electricity was off. She called to tell us she couldn't come to work because she couldn't get her car out of the garage because she had an electric door opener and no electricity. She lived too far out to catch a ride with someone else.
never fly higher than your angel.

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