DVD's .Worth a look
For several years now Duke home entertainment have been doing an excellent job on covering one of the most exciting bike events to grace the motor racing calender each year , that being the Isle of Man TT races. Having just taken delivery of this years 2008 races a complete 4 hours worth of viewing ,I highly recommend the DVD to any bike nut . The Isle of man TT races are insane for the spectacle of brave men racing around a 37 mile track at tops speeds defying jumps and small laneways to win a race sometimes 235 miles long .
Forget about that idiot Ghost RiderIdiot2 and his stupid antics these men do it for a living on country roads and leave Goose rider in the dust for ability . If you get a chance watch the races you will be amazed , and furthermore some of the best riders to showcase their talents on the island are Aussies ( who most have never been heard of here ) but they consistantly win races . The kiwi's are there too
and unlike Moto Gp there are no premadona's prancing around just hard riding men at insane speeds . GREAT STUFF , the onboard camera action is Excellent YesCome next year in may and june I will be there . Trophy
They are great DVDs I have the 07 TT disk and the GP2007 Highlights DVD as well as some older ones.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
On the subject of dvd's ect i came across this on youtube the other day ;


You can see the busa in action on a track, obviously the fireblade would flog it but goes to show how competent the busa can be in capable hands.

I would like to see a onboard video of a busa going flat out around the tt track with someone who can ride.

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