The useless bits of info to see if we can make a million posts thread
Only female bees work.
You mostly breathe from only one nostril at a time!
Native Americans do not have to pay tax on their land.
It is illegal to hunt camels in the state of Arizona.
Connecticut and Rhode Island never ratified the 18th Amendment (Prohibition).
One quarter of the human brain is used to control the eyes.
The best diamonds are colored blue-white.
How am I going guys????

over 1750 posts so far, and lots of day light to burn.

Got a rumbo by my side & it looks a good afternoon
No one knows where Mozart is buried.
The powder on chewing gum is finely-ground marble.
Michael Keaton's original name is Michael Douglas.
Under extreme stress, some octopuses will eat their own arms.
Black bears are not always black. They can be brown, cinnamon, yellow, and sometimes white.
'Jedi' is an official religion, with over 70,000 followers, in Australia.
Mel Gibson has a horseshoe kidney (two kidneys fused into one)!

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