The useless bits of info to see if we can make a million posts thread
bull dike
An extremely masculine woman, often a lesbian, who could be mistaken for a man from a distance.
"Man, look at that bull dike! She needs to f*&^ing shave..."
never fly higher than your angel.
bull dog
The act of puting ones balls between their legs and preceding to moon sombody.
Dude, im totally going to bull dog that car.
never fly higher than your angel.
Bull Dog
When a womans face looks like a bull dog
Renae long looks like a bull dog and is dating ben.
never fly higher than your angel.
bull dog
A term used to described either a male or female who is vicious, merciless...otherwise not to be f****d around with.
Yo son, that foo is a bull dog.
never fly higher than your angel.
Bull dog dave
The lesbian who plays the role of the man in sex. Bull dog refers to their tendency to appear angry or viciously masculine.
I thought it was just a fat guy, but it turned out to be a very hairy bull dog dave
never fly higher than your angel.
bull dogg
beat your partner senseless after sex and bite them
i done gave dat bitch da bull dogg
never fly higher than your angel.
bull doggin it
the act of sitting on the can, blowing cha cha and ralphing in to a garbage can at the same time.
Sonny Sky got so hammer on green god damn's that he was bull doggin it in the middle of the party.
never fly higher than your angel.
Bull Fighter
A heterosexual male or female that is dating a homosexual member of the opposite sex. Typically, the homosexual partner in the relationship is a closet case.

Comes from such terms as "bull-dyke", "bull-queer", etc.
Poor, Frank... Doesn't even realize he's been fighting a bull.
never fly higher than your angel.
bull flop
Nonsense, unbelievable reports, gibberish, crap, no way, a statement that no one will believe.
A euphamism for bullshit.
Thats a load of bull flop!
never fly higher than your angel.
bull frame judgement
one who makes bad decisions on the opposite sex in aspects of body shape
You have such bull frame judgement, how do u go with that girl? Her frame is garbage.
never fly higher than your angel.
bull fries
Bull's testicles, when sold as a food.
One look at the pile of bull fries at Pike Place Market made me woozy.
never fly higher than your angel.
Bull Frog
The Brittan Binder (A.K.A. Bull frog) is an amphibian in the order Analla (meaning "butt-less" from Greek an-, without + alla, butt). Adult brittans are characterised by long hind legs, a short body, webbed digits, protruding eyes and the absence of a soul. Most Brittans have a semi-aquatic lifestyle, but move easily on land by jumping, climbing, or bumming rides off of friends. They typically lay their eggs in puddles, ponds,or in the dark caverns of Ali Blackstone. Adult Brittans follow a Voracious diet, mostly of Burgers, tacobell and the occasional male genetalia. Brittans are most noticeable through their mating call which resembles that of a Hawthorne Heights song. This can be widely heard throughout bernardsville and pottersville NJ.
The Bull Frog likes to reside in the nearby swamps of Pottersville NJ.
never fly higher than your angel.
bull frog yay
cocaine that, when snorted, makes the fiends that crave it "ribbit" like a bull frog while continuing to come back for more.
That bull frog yay keep 'em coming to trap house all day, the fiends be like "ribbit." - Project Pat
never fly higher than your angel.
Bull Fruit
Prison rapist who preys on "fish" (new prisoners) and other, weaker male inmates. The bull fruit does not regard himself as homosexual, rather, as a sort of leader figure who engages in sex with other men only because women are unavailable to him, or as a display of power. Certinly the bull fruit limits his sexual encounters to only those of his choosing, and is always the "driving force" in the sexual exchange.
He was only in prison for 3 days before a bull fruit tore out his ass in the shower.
never fly higher than your angel.
bull f***
A cornstarch and water mixture used in thickening stews, sauces, etc. The term has been used by U.S. Army mess hall cooks, and it is presumably derived from its resemblance to bull semen.
A bull f*** is often used when making shit on a shingle.
never fly higher than your angel.

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