For those that celebrate Halloween.
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"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Had all the friggen crazys out last night -- all teenage kids causing trouble --had a shopping trolley pushed into my front door , idiots pissing on my Large trailer ( thankfully not my Jayco ) had a stern word with a few of them , lucky for them 2 cop cars turned up... and i live in an area where avge house prices are 700K + and Mercedes in the driveways are common.....

needless to say i didnt get much sleep after my 14 hour shift ...

Hayabusa , If your not on one , your behind one .....
We're lucky in this suburb; very few teenagers. Lots of little kiddies whose parents believe that a strangers candy is nicest.
Still Port Douglas has managed to keep the old charm and ignores the paranoia.
I never had Halloween where I grew up and I'm not used to the hurt look on the little ones faces when you don't have something to give them...
Always a biggie in my court.
Every year we have had a walk through the house of death (my joint all spooked up). Kids have to walk through the house and survive. Then a street disco.
First time I have not done anything this yr.

As you can imagine a bit of work involved.

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