Please check and report............
I for one have a terrible hang from our main websites splash page to the front page of our website. It has known to consistently hang for me anywhere from 20 secs to well over a minute, but it does come through in the end. DJ, our webmaster reckons its just my computer. I think perhaps not, so Im asking any of you to go to the splash page

and wait for it to play out then press 'Enter' and record here roughly how long it took for your browser to take you to the frontpage and its Mp3 soundrack of a turbo busa. If you can be bothered then press on frontpage 'play that intro again' which will take you back and see if the second time is any different in time frontpage loads.

Thanks for your assistance.


PS. watch your volume level as sound may be high.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
It works fine with my PC, about 2 - 5 seconds and it's all up.
Sorry to say Volvi, but, it must be your PC Confused maybe you're running programs in the background at the same time or you have way too many shortcut icons and/or too large a wallpaper image, another thing is you may have a congested registry.....just a thought mate, Cheers Beer
[Image: hayabusa-5.jpg] [Image: HayabusaLogo-Grey.gif]
instant load up for me - using bigpuddle via adsl and wireless router ....
Hayabusa , If your not on one , your behind one .....
Pretty much instant for me. Internode DSL. Repeated it multiple times, cache cleared and not.
humm buggur, have optus cable, but I know my P4 1.5 is getting slow on me. and am getting good speeds:

[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
do a logmein and i will have a look (at all your porn!)
it flys for me also at this end Volvi
All good for me too, Clap
Most like something crook with your flash player and it's handling of hayaintro.swf.

Hmm perhaps try a different browser engine?
Licence Back!
cache issue? - or tho being a 1.5... with how much ram? Thing has to be atleast 5 ~ 6 years old now?

Could have something to do with plugins as well - hope you get it sorted.
[Image: nocensorship.gif]
The front page works ok for me , am on Westnet ADSL .
I got a P4 1.6 with a tad over 700meg of ram and it works fine for me. Maybe ISP??
512mb or more is normally fine ;)
[Image: nocensorship.gif]
After playing through, I click on "enter" but it doesn't register the click. The instant I click a 2nd time it goes straight to the mp3 soundtrack.

I tried it twice & the same thing happened both times.

my RAM 2x256, 1x128 = 640

my desktop is flooded with files and shortcuts, cant see that being the cause. either way have a better box coming this week, P2.4 I think.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.

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