I hate to ask BUT!!!!
Puncture Powers are fantastic - If you love sitting on the side of the road repairing tyre holes.

Dunlop Qualifiers are the stickiest buggers I have found.

I have heard that they grip really well through 260+ corners, and leave cool looking blackies the whole way through the corner.
Chopper says - "Harden the f*** up Australia"
kawasuki Wrote:Buy the stickiest hoops u can afford.
I use Supercorser SC1 front and SC2 rear 190x55
"DITTO" Pi_thumbsup
Woman,where's my wallet?
And whats for tea?
Dont ride on the inside of the left lane = no punctures
Egos; everyone got one
busakid08 Wrote:Dont ride on the inside of the left lane = no punctures

Most of my punctures have happened out in the hills and the sticks, lane position only helps in town.
Chopper says - "Harden the f*** up Australia"
OK all,
Thought I'd post an addendum to this latest free for all on tyre choice. I think the main thing this proves (once again!!) is how personal tyre choice is. I've put the M1's on and immediately noticed a difference. Bike definitely feels more nimble, seems to turn in nicer and doesn't seem to flop in as much. Much more predictable , feels great. Still haven't worn the wax off so I'm looking forward to a good run. (Is tyre testing an excuse to feed the mrs. for going to Gingers Creek!) Thanks everyone for your info. I'll probably fire up the same shooting gallery in another few thousand k's. So I reckon my next thread'll be about suspension settings. Are you ready!??Roll
Cheers All.
It's a week by week charade.
For me,using M3 good mileage.But stickiness Michelin 2ct is better.Pirelli diablo corsa 3 is way too ex.Now came out the new pirelli diablo rosso even more ex.Pilot road 2 is more for road usage due to the shape of the tyres,its not as round as the M3s or 2cts.
getting the diablo rosso's on the rear fitted for $320. seems a good price to me
rjw3105 Wrote:OK lads and ladies,
Big blue's about 5k up and the Bridgy on the back is ready for retirement. Didn't really think the 'Busa was at it's best with the Bridgestone and have always been a Michelin fan. I know these postings are always contentious because tyre choice is a very personal thing . What is the current thinking for a K7 used 80% for commuting with the occasional day ride and weekend away(very occasional for the latter!) sometimes 2 up. Also is there an advantage in changing profile. I know these are big contentious questions but I'm a bit stuck. Don't want to spend money on Bridgestones as they let me down badly once and I swore I would never use them again. I would like some sort of longevity but want a good allrounder more than anything. So there you go. Completely uncommitted to anything (except not!!! buying a Bridgestone) and not really sure what I want!!!! So who wants to offer their 2 bobs worth?Confused
I would particularly like to hear from anyone using the Michy 2ct's .
Thanks all.

I have used pilot powers for about 4 years now and cannot fault them in any conditions, tried several bridgestones and found 5k was tops and grip was ordinary, pilot powers have gone to 17k ( no not with canvas showing either ) and average 12k grip in all conditions is exellent ( I scraped my l/h fairings on the road up level with the alternator cover and the bike still felt rock steady)
regards Norvin.
I'm using the 2CTs on my 'busa at present, and have been using them on my SV650S since I wore out my factory set. No real complaints, at present I have 6,000 on the rear and it's looking as if it'll get another 5 - 6 easy even with track days thrown in. The only thing I don't like about them is on really cold mornings or dewy roads I don't trust them. Let them warm and it's back to action.

I do run them at about 35 - 36 pounds, 42 is just too skittish when I'm pushing it through the mountains.
am on PP and highly reccomend, rear is due soon and will go for P Road but not 2CT, unwarranted for me.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
I just had a new rear fitted yesterday. The previous 2 rears have been Pilot Road's. Total 42000klm over the life of both tires, so average 21000klm each.

I've just fitted an M3 on the rear to match the M3 on the front. I'll see what I get from the set.

I don't expect to get the same from the M3 as I did the PR's but we'll see.
funny thing is - if you stay with the same tire for more then a year - you really don't know how the others are performing.

Tried the pilot powers & kept having the front slide & rear let lose on power.

Fitting Super Corsa's for PI this weekend, then will go back to the new Rosso corsa tires.

However - I was thinking about others, I used to love & run the bridgestones, but in very hard breaking they dont seem to hold the weight of the busa - unlike the diablo corsa's I now run.
Dunny's - have never run them since my 250 days & not keen to try them given dunny's only seem to get dev work from the super bikes.

SO I am still staying with Pirelli, they still seem to be the best for my twisty riding & trail braking to the apex's, using the 55 profile as well - can't find anything better at the moment in terms of stickyness & wear (Wear for the Corsa 3's on the road) I used to go through 2 rears to every front, now its an even wear thanks to the Pirelli diablo corsa 3 - now replaced with the Rosso.

Some have asked about the grip levels falling off as the duel compound tires wears - haven't had that on the Pirelli's - apart from the front when it really needs to get changed, front sides didn't like to hold, but then it was time to change the tire, the condition of the front was.... well it had ridges along the out side and a steep angel from the middle to the side ;)
Not as much as some busa's - but I am pulling 178hp - just for an idea when I talk about wear.

Has anyone else done the above & then switched to something other then the Pirelli's? I am thinking of trying something other then the Rosso's - but not sure on what?
[Image: nocensorship.gif]
rjw3105 Wrote:OK lads and ladies,
Big blue's about 5k up and the Bridgy on the back is ready for retirement. Didn't really think the 'Busa was at it's best with the Bridgestone and have always been a Michelin fan. I know these postings are always contentious because tyre choice is a very personal thing . What is the current thinking for a K7 used 80% for commuting with the occasional day ride and weekend away(very occasional for the latter!) sometimes 2 up. Also is there an advantage in changing profile. I know these are big contentious questions but I'm a bit stuck. Don't want to spend money on Bridgestones as they let me down badly once and I swore I would never use them again. I would like some sort of longevity but want a good allrounder more than anything. So there you go. Completely uncommitted to anything (except not!!! buying a Bridgestone) and not really sure what I want!!!! So who wants to offer their 2 bobs worth?Confused
I would particularly like to hear from anyone using the Michy 2ct's .
Thanks all.
Most of the boys in WA, fit Avon Storm ST, they last longer!!!!!
f*** you blokes are michy brain washed. try the conti road attack rear an sport attack front u wont go wrong.grip is better than big klms.Trophy

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