Around Australia Speed Record
Is anyone interested in setting up a record circumnavigation of Australia by bike in 2009 as part of a 10 celebration of the Hayabusa dominance in the Hyper bike market. If we could support from Suzuki to supply the bikes, support truck, fuels and accommodation it could be a huge public relations success for Suzuki and possible setup a regular endurance ride for the Hyper bike range.' Any ideas?
If Suzuki is paying I am in Pi_thumbsup
Cheers Taub
[Image: Banner_blueandwhite2.jpg]
I'm in, and I suspect Tex might be too.
Me to
Egos; everyone got one
Good luck with that I'm sure Suzuki will shower you with cash.
Hay i will be in it BikerBiker
BLACKZOOK Wrote:Good luck with that I'm sure Suzuki will shower you with cash.
TrophyWe can only hope, its a huge amount of free publicity as the group moves around the coast while showing the bike to be every bit a legend. There are also the dealerships and Clubs. Though I think we should clarify the objectives and whatâ€s needed to get there.
Ok sorry to be a killjoy here but lets look at the facts.

Suzuki or any business will not sponsor you to put either your life at risk or to break the speed limit.

A lap around is about 17,000k's.
Th record is just under 9 days
That equates to 1,888k's per day
If you stick to the speed limit you might average 90kph
That means you need to sit in the seat for about 20.9 hours per day giving you 3 hours sleep per day for each of the 9 days.

Just imagine it -
But officer Suzuki are sponsoring me to speed.Idiot2

At the coronial inquest if you get killed what defence will suzuki have.Pi_freak, not to mention the criminal charges that would be laid against them or the litigation payout. How exactly will Suzuki benifit from sponsoring something they could never advertise.

Wake up people, if you want to break the record then just do it but dont delude yourself into believing that Suzuki or any other company will openly support you.
sigh .. kill joy - and here was me thinking they would actually outlay 20 bikes, few hunded thousand cash for support etc, vehicles ... to sell at least 5 more busas ..... it was all a dream ... all a dream ...........
Egos; everyone got one
You may not be able to do it all in one go as a sole rider or even as a small group.
You may be able to conquer the continent as a relay though, with one rider passing on a symbol to another at say 500klm intervals and make it one complete circuit without a stop.

Just a thought....
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
BLACKZOOK Wrote:Ok sorry to be a killjoy here but lets look at the facts.

Suzuki or any business will not sponsor you to put either your life at risk or to break the speed limit.

A lap around is about 17,000k's.
Th record is just under 9 days
That equates to 1,888k's per day
If you stick to the speed limit you might average 90kph
That means you need to sit in the seat for about 20.9 hours per day giving you 3 hours sleep per day for each of the 9 days.

Just imagine it -
But officer Suzuki are sponsoring me to speed.Idiot2

At the coronial inquest if you get killed what defence will suzuki have.Pi_freak, not to mention the criminal charges that would be laid against them or the litigation payout. How exactly will Suzuki benifit from sponsoring something they could never advertise.

Wake up people, if you want to break the record then just do it but dont delude yourself into believing that Suzuki or any other company will openly support you.

Ditto mate!Whenpigsfly. I hate to put things like this down, as u know, this is close to my heart. Blackzook laid out the facts to which I would like to add: In 1978, there were no speed cameras, the public attitude to a speed attempt was positive (sorry, an endurance attempt!). Let's speed towards the New Millenium, Times, rules, policies and the general public opinion to this type of attempt is exceptionally negative. There is no way any corporate company would want to be involved, period. The police, general media etc etc would take a very dim view of such a public known event.
As proof of a current attempt, u could use all the tickets from all the speed cameras, they show date/time/speed!!!!Lol3.
Sorry to put a damper on it, but if someone does want to have ago at it, quietly, I would only be too pleased to offer my experienced advice. ( I'd probaly want to come alongVery Happy).

Tex & Bundy
Everybody dies, not Everybody lives !!
There is no substitute for grunt !!
Every boy needs more than one toy !!

I think Busgo's got an idea there, but we'd want to do it to celebrate something.

On second thoughts, I think Bruce and I doing it in two weeks is fast enough for me.
Heidi1 Wrote:I think Busgo's got an idea there, but we'd want to do it to celebrate something.

On second thoughts, I think Bruce and I doing it in two weeks is fast enough for me.

I also agree Bugso is certainly onto something and if you were thinking of being able to celebrate something for such a mile stone what about next year you could involve all states and members do the round trip with all busas of all ages to celebrate the 10yrs of the busa and if the busa club is 10 yrs old as well you could make it a double whammy.
Ok sorry to be a killjoy here but lets look at the facts.

Suzuki or any business will not sponsor you to put either your life at risk or to break the speed limit.

A lap around is about 17,000k's.
Th record is just under 9 days
That equates to 1,888k's per day
If you stick to the speed limit you might average 90kph
That means you need to sit in the seat for about 20.9 hours per day giving you 3 hours sleep per day for each of the 9 days.

Just imagine it -
But officer Suzuki are sponsoring me to speed.Idiot2

At the coronial inquest if you get killed what defence will suzuki have.Pi_freak, not to mention the criminal charges that would be laid against them or the litigation payout. How exactly will Suzuki benifit from sponsoring something they could never advertise.
I agree, and rightfully so, but this is an endurance race for the bike and a group that fully supports safe ridding.
I think the objective should be to take a couple of Bikes straight out of the box and ride them 24/7 around Australia using ridding relays to break the record.
Every effort will made to ensure the event will act within the best possible guide lines of safe ridding practice, a theme that should be advertised as part of the event
Suzuki could provide loan bikes, funding and logistical support and in return they receive greater product awareness, improved public image and company publicity.

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