Big Brother via satalite
This is bad news Pi_freak Now they will be able to stop anyone from speeding although I think it will be difficult to implement very quickly PolicePi_thumbsdown

Big Brother
Cheers Taub
[Image: Banner_blueandwhite2.jpg]
So now I'll not only need to run custom firmware on my Xbox, but on my Busa as well? And dipswitches to flick between the original and custom flash memory.

Licence Back!
just another way of controling us....
(Townsville, QLD) (for your sticker and sign needs)

Smitten 03 with a hair dryer - slammed and stretched (stealth mode engaged)
The States will go bankrupt without the revenue from speeding fines, they'll have to find another means of taxing us.
Amazing they can find big dollars for shit like this but cant seem to find $$ for general road maintenace here in NSW!! The roads are atrocious and yet we are the highest taxed state - and all this for less than 500 road users - gee lets not start counting how many homelss die, how many diseased people die, hospitals etc etc - sure bummer for those 500 peeps but man what a joke spending $$ on shit like BBrother tactics instead of useful stuff - @#$@# I get so pissed at shit like this ARRGGHHHHH
Egos; everyone got one
They would do better to use this money to teach people how to f*&^ing drive Whenpigsfly
Speedzalot Wrote:They would do better to use this money to teach people how to f*&^ing drive Whenpigsfly

Fuking good answer Andy Ghastly
Cheers Taub
[Image: Banner_blueandwhite2.jpg]
Knuppel2 Posted letters relating to speed & fining all citizens & got a very Authoritarian reply from the minister saying that they will pursue all avenues of survallence & control.So the stupid front number plate Furphy was a disguise for satellite tracking.Hail oh mighty rulers of the Colony we will "shutup & obey, for the enemy of progress is question ,do not question your superiors."

Come on people getup standup oppose this nonsense once & for all.Show them we are not their slaves.
'The more professional you are, the closer you get to your client' Leon.

Ahh! I can see the headlines now.

Headline #1. Driver is killed when his vehicle was slowed down automatically by "GPSCON" into the path of an out of control semi trailer in outback NSW. Witnesses stated that the driver had ample time to accellerate clear but was unable to do so.

Headline #2. Tour bus causes chaos when "GPSCON" picks up false signal from out of date satellite and slows to 50 KPH on new M8 freeway.
Multiple tailend crashes result in 15 fatalaties in bizarre accident.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Automation in moderation is good, in general.
But too much automation is a very bad thing. PEOPLE lose control.

Soon they'll be trying to insert a system in cars that totally takes the vehicle control out of the "Driver's" hands.

Then those hoons won't be able to drag race, because the car won't let them, & the streets will be safer.

Or at least that's what we will be told.

At least it would be difficult to fit such a system to a bike considering they can't even stand up by themselves.
BUT WAIT. Some smarty will invent "stabilizer wheels" which fit onto each side of the back swingarm to to hold the bike uprite.Eek

Where have I seen that idea before?????Confused
The thing about this device is you can override it by pushing the pedal though a point of resistance BUT can you imagine the size of the fines they could justify if you do override it, seeing as overall revenue would fall, the new fines would have to be astronomical to make up the shortfall.

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