NI 200
Just watched the Northern Ireland 200 road races, man they're crazyfkers. It was on Foxsports1, anyone see it ?

These guys are hitting the kerb stones coming out of corners and bouncin each other all over the place. Like stock cars on two wheels.

I was flinchin just watchin, christ knows what it would be like to be in there
Cam Donald(sp?) is known via my house mate & yes - they are crazy - I am waiting for the day I ride with one of those guys lol
[Image: nocensorship.gif]
I watched it last night and there was some on Thursaday night as well - what a fantastic spectacle. I really liked the wheel level cameras with the engines screamimg at full tilt. Getting their knee down looks positively dangerous next to the kerb!

NorthWest 200..yep saw it....hairy shit Scary

I have a DVD called "The Racers" about 4 years old, all about the riders involved, trouble is a good lot of them are now all dead..Undecided And when you see the goat tracks they were racing on is it any wonder...BRAVE BOYS Pi_thumbsup
Never ride the A model of anything.

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