I'm bored, trip ideas wanted
Woman,where's my wallet?
And whats for tea?
Hey Heidi,if you decide to head down south & if your looking for somewhere to kip for a night or two your welcome at my place,(as long as your not going to carve your name on the fridge with a fork), probably be better after your nights of violence, pillage & debauchry, maybe if your looking for a place to recouperate,the last exciting thing to happen at my place was when the chook layed two eggs in a day & the dog peed on my walking frame.I'm in the hills east of Melbourne & there's some not bad roads out here.Cheer's
Sir Arthur Dunga .
Offer still good to come up to Qld and stay with us for a while Heidi. Im sure I can organise for you to get locked up and have a cavity search done on ya.
MrsTonysEvilTwin Wrote:Offer still good to come up to Qld and stay with us for a while Heidi. Im sure I can organise for you to get locked up and have a cavity search done on ya.

You're in charge of entertainment on next year's Rampage Trix!
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
HOLY HELL!! I'm out to start a fight, but QLD sounds WAY too hard core! Jindy will rock this year with Trix in charge.

Max pointed out why I was so ready to start a bloody bar brawl, I'm giving up smoking and apparently my customary sense of humour is a little off-kilter. Oh well. Thanks for the offer Arthur, if I'm that way (and I suspect I am), I'll give you a call.

Heidi1 Wrote:HOLY HELL!! I'm out to start a fight, but QLD sounds WAY too hard core! Jindy will rock this year with Trix in charge.

Max pointed out why I was so ready to start a bloody bar brawl, I'm giving up smoking and apparently my customary sense of humour is a little off-kilter. Oh well. Thanks for the offer Arthur, if I'm that way (and I suspect I am), I'll give you a call.


Don't be hard on her guys, she's 3+ weeks without a lung busta, you rule Heids, bloody great effort - don't be distracted - be strong.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Oh well congrats Heidi on the giving up the cancer sticks. I've been 4 yrs without a smoke and man I saved some bucks!! Yeah the withdrawl is not fun unless your having a punch up!!! Keep it up Heidi!
if you need a place to stay the night in omeo i suggest Snug As A Bug ask for a room in the back house or the cellar with the pool table. bike friendly people pub across the road for dinner but check the town out there are better options .cafe next door for breaky

thier ph no is (03)51591311

which ever way you go I hope you have fun
The ride is on, I'm doing about 4000kms. The ride started well so far with the 260km ride Canberra to Sydney in belting rain. I'm barely out of bed and everything is soaked already.

Wedding escort tomorow, up Bells Line Road on Sunday heading for either Mugee or Dubbo, then out to Broken Hill, down towards Port Pirie, Adelaide, Mt Gambier, Murray Bridge (I've always wanted to see the Bunyip), Great Ocean Road, ferry to Sorrento, Lakes Entrance, along the bottom and home. I might go over the Victorian Alps, depending on the weather. I'm taking every back road and wiggly bit I can find. I need to be back at work in about two weeks, so that should keep me out of trouble.

Bruce, if you want to go for a bit of a belt on Sunday and you don't want to go on the Hume, you're welcome to join Team Heidi for the day, but I will make you carry my handbag.

Thanks everyone for the suggestions. If any members of the club are anywhere along that route, I'd love to catch up for a coffee or a beer. I think I'm visiting Loafie's mum in Dubbo, but apart from that I'm free!

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