I'm bored, trip ideas wanted
Hey guys

I've been working until stupid-o-clock every day lately, and I need to get away for a bit. I've had a look at a map, and Perth looks like it could be interesting, just me and the helmet for a while, but BUGGER ME it is a long way from Canberra.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a week or two away with the bike? I'm too tired to even come up with a sensible plan. I remember someone did Sydneyish to Perth a while ago.


Hey - why not look north? rains clearing :) will still be warm up that way for a bit.

could look to SA as well - but IMO its a pretty boring run.

Have you ever looked in the Australian motorcycle map/atlas?
I have one from a guy that tripped around our wonderful land & marked the best rides for each state. If I am doing a long ride I ref to it & include a few routes he marked - most have turned out awesome with wonderful views as well. I can get the name for you if you like or scan in a few pages.

Perhaps grab one & take a look & choose a direction? I think they are the best type of rides - pick a direction with some idea of where you are going & then just do it ;)
I remember reading once, that the difference between young riders & the wiser rides is, the young guns ask "Where are we going?" the wiser riders ask "Which Direction?"

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Hey, thanks Raz, that's exactly what I'm after, I just want to pick a direction. I'm sick of heading north, heading south towards Melb is getting old, I want to head out somewhere new.

I'll see if I can find the book.

Tell Heidi where to go .... Gladly


And a good book is Australia Motorcycle Atlas distributed by Hema maps. I got mine at Motorcycle accesories supermarket, but most bike shops should have a copy
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Heidi, Heidi - Heidi.

Get yourself up to the River Rampage next week.
If you leave on Friday morning and head up the Putty Rd to Singleton and then on to Tamworth, you could stopover there at a pub or somewhere, then meet us in Glen Innes on Saturday morning at about 11am.
From there we will be meeting up with others and going back to the St Kilda Hotel in Armidale for a group lunch - between 20 and 30 of us.
Followed by a ride back down the Waterfall Way to Nymboida.
The hotel is pretty full but Mr and Mrs Tony as well as Mr Mechanix are staying in a pub in Grafton - just up the road.
Then you can continue up to QLD for a day or two or work your way back south with us and maybe stopover in the Hunter Valley on your way home.

Lots of great riding and company to boot girl.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
I know you said your sick of going north - but how far north have you been? the mountains out the back of the gold coast rock. ;)
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where's the hard. just fuel it up pick a road and go. flip a coin,stab a pin, whatever. just fckn go if you got chance.

tomrux Wrote:where's the hard. just fuel it up pick a road and go. flip a coin,stab a pin, whatever. just fckn go if you got chance.


hhmmmm... well said.. don't plan, just go... lets say it'll be a bit of an impromptu ride.. Yes
(Townsville, QLD)

www.stickersuperstore.com.au (for your sticker and sign needs)

Smitten 03 with a hair dryer - slammed and stretched (stealth mode engaged)
More than welcome to come up here Heidis. We can billet you around for profit!!!. No honestly your more than welcome to stay with us for a couple of days and Im sure Shredder, Matee and the rest of the crew would love to see you.
Thanks so much for the offer Trix! I'd love to see you mob too. I'm just so damn sick of being POLITE and NICE all the time, it is an important part of my job. What I want to do is go somewhere and start a bar fight, get dirty, wake up with a tattoo I didn't expect and ride the wheels off my bike. I used to tour up that way all the time and love the roads, but I think I want to go somewhere where I might get mugged.

Tassie is an option, but it just seems so damn sensible. I could go to Borneo and chop a hole in the jungle.
Heidi you want wild west type shit come to towsnville.................

Heidi1 Wrote:Thanks so much for the offer Trix! I'd love to see you mob too. I'm just so damn sick of being POLITE and NICE all the time, it is an important part of my job. What I want to do is go somewhere and start a bar fight, get dirty, wake up with a tattoo I didn't expect and ride the wheels off my bike. I used to tour up that way all the time and love the roads, but I think I want to go somewhere where I might get mugged.

Heidi, I'll put on another BBQ at my place when I get home we should be able to organise all of the above no problem at all. Might even thro in a complimentary video of the action.Pi_tongue
That's true, nothing says "I'm likely to get mugged' like Sunny Prospect.
Bit of a do on at Casino this weekend too,
Ok, I have a plan. I'm at a wedding in Sydney on April 19, from there I'll head north. I'd love to catch up with the Queenslanders if that is still on offer Trix! I'll work out where I'm headed and get back to you.

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