U tube biker
anyone see the news were the bike is dioing a ghostrider through the suburbs,,, Thats all we need some farkhead putting it up on U tube, now u guest it more laws to combat this stupid behaviour. Any more laws,, we will be to scared to jump on the bike in the back yard..
hav'nt seen the news report , probably wont here, but seen a writeup about it on msn home page, seen the video, the guys a dick for posting that on utube, just makes us all look bad me thinks, its just more fodder for the plod to screw down harder
[Image: 583b3abf-1.jpg]
I caught it on the news in Newcastle...
You think he would have stopped the tape before he got to his destination...(all on tape)

But i think the laws they were talking about were additional laws for idiots like this that celebrate their doing's on the internet.
yes BUT they can always include them (laws)when u might get caught going a wee bit fast etc. Just gives them much more ammo.

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