Guests on Forum?
My goodness the stats shows alot of guests visit our forum, 235 last count in 24 hrs. I wonder why they dont register? There are some things you cant do on the forum without registration. Besides not being able to introduce yourself you cant do any searches and a few other stuff.

So dont be shy "come on down" and introduce yourself, yes being International is fine.

PS. Hope I dont offend anyone and I dont mean to, but I have to say I have become pretty bored with the american .org lately and dont visit as often as I did in the past, could that be the same with these visitors as guests I wonder. Or maybe its the friendly look of the MyBB board?
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
Volvi its me they come to see , but hey i dont mind sharing the spot lightGhastly
Doc Wrote:Volvi its me they come to see , but hey i dont mind sharing the spot lightGhastly

nup... It's got to be the hot blue and white busa that they want to seeYes
Regards Richard.....

Faster, faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death.

[Image: l_b8cd83806072859a2e37a2a757a8eb9a.jpg]

Volvi Wrote:I have become pretty bored with the american .org lately and dont visit as often as I did in the past, could that be the same with these visitors as guests I wonder.

Yes sir....that's why I stop in from time to time . [Image: grin.gif]
that so called hot blue and white busa needs to be working before anyone can look at it.
PS. I think we are the only busa site without ads splashed all over the screen. Looks like we will keep it that way. Almost 9 straight years thats gotta say something, well done everyone. 244 guests last I looked......Frakk!
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
Volvi, some people just like to watch!
Do bots and webcrawlers rack up guest visits?
Gunmetal Wrote:Volvi, some people just like to watch!

I LIKE to watch Eek
Volvi Wrote:PS. I think we are the only busa site without ads splashed all over the screen. Looks like we will keep it that way. Almost 9 straight years thats gotta say something, well done everyone. 244 guests last I looked......Frakk!
dam good to here volviPi_thumbsup

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