Kills on your busa
Thought it might be fun for everyone to pitch in and share a kill story on your busa. Eg. "Had a race with a souped up car, etc etc"

I clearly remember the day I bought my 99 copper coming back from Sydney to Canberra I ran into an old Ferrari Testarossa with the rich guy & what looked like his wife in the passenger seat. They were both wearing the wanky convertible hats that you seen them with.

I lined up, egged him on gunning it then backing off until he finally planted it.
The car sounded awesome but it just wasn't going far, i got WOT & bam shot down the freeway. Race lasted about...oh...2 He then did the old "cower in the distance" thing.

Share your kill stories Very Happy
This was in US; I was on my 04 Ltd bright Red BusaTrophy. I usually use to pull hard from the lights starting above 3000 RPM (definite wheelie). Once I was at a lights waiting for them to go green (about ½ mile ahead there was the next set of lights). I saw a old beat up car which came by and stoped by my side. Saw in and there was this absolutely beautiful women Drool driving it. Moment the light turned green I gunned the busa at 3000 RPM did my wheelie and stoped at the next light. I see in the rear view and I see this old beat up car coming at good speed – the women stops next to me – she picks up a big sheet of paper and writes some thing on it and sticks it to the window –mmmm its her phone number Trophy……God had to let her go or else misses would have killed me at home Knuppel2.

One other time was gunning down the freeway and got flashed Boobies4 at by 2 beautiful womenâ€s at the same time ….you can get lucky..I would say very lucky on a Bike.
Lol, thats awesome Party-smiley-018

Every set of lights to me now screams out "Drag practice" Egyptian

Love it
yup those sets of lights will do it to the busa every time. 2 incidents come to mind.

some yellow ferari or lambo not sure what, theyre all 4 whels to me. we were lined up at nepan hgwy lights brighton going towards the city and theres a great stretch for dragging just pray the coppers are not there. we sized each other up he definately wanted to have a go. green gave it all shes got but as usual left him for dead, pretty sure he gave up pretty soon as he was far behind.

early days busa club ride musta been 2000 or 01. were all fanging it in the back roads of bachus marsh led by Jamie. came across a porche I think it was and he decided to join in, so he was up in the 2's but he was holding me back, greatest pleasure was passing him then passing Richard up ahead at around 270 clicks, well he had his wife on the back. Memorable moments they were.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
lined up a shitty old falcon xe station wagon in sydney on my first busa, we were rolling at about 60kph. he gave me the nod that he wanted a race so i figured why the hell not. both let fly on the throttl and the prick dropped about a car length behind me adn stayed tehre untill about 220kph at which the busa flew away from him. bigget shock ive had for a long time when i saw he still with me.

bloody hell, super sleeper wagon. There's a few round berra like that, funny shit

I was minding my own business once at the lights (one of those days where you ride the busa like a tourer cos your bone tired) & this white wagon just smashes it off the line. Swear it was making some serious power but there was no race.

I'm like "doo doo doo doo" BAM! car flies off like he's at the bloody dragway.

Couldn't let him think he beat a busa though, so i took after him & did a nice flyby.

The kids in the little civics & excels though crack me up the most. I'm not sure whether they are serious are not but I have had several line up & rev it and shit like they want to go. I'm thinking "you gotta be kidding me"

Probably just want to see it explode off the line or something.

School buses are a crackup. You see all the kids waving manically motioning for you to do a wheelie....yep..lets see...there is a car like 6m in front of me....awesome idea kiddies lol
some guys in a skyline twin turbo wanted a go against the red and black busa when i was on my way to the casino one night they reved up at the lights but i let them go but then one guy in the back seat gave me the finger so at the next set of light i left them for dead you could almost here there jaws crack from there Scary looks
but the funniest thing was when i left the casino that night to go home who pulled up beside me at a set of lights yep same dickheads but there was a cop 2 cars back from them which i was lucky to see so i reved it up and so did they but this time i let them blast away as i took off slow flashing lights pulled them over as i went by with a beep beep...Lol2Lol2Lol2Lol2Lol2
the kids in the civics and excells jsut wanna see something impressive.

"just wanna some something impressive"

you must be smoking some awesome shit bro? or i'm just confused?
hahahaha no your not confused and im not smoking anything i jsut have a shit computer and key board that misses alot of letters and words i type hence when it seems alot of my posts are drug induced, takes a while going back and forth filling in missing letters etc so ussualy i dont bother anymore or if im in a real hurry i miss important words or i type them twice cause i think ive missed them but they jsut come up really slowlyGhastly all i can say is f*&^ing useless I.T department

I'm itching for someone to try something...
The closest i've had is a hotted up new golf wanting to play in the way to traffic!!
So not fair...
Not on the street, but one time at the drags, I lined up next to a ZX12R.

I had a disgusting lunch, was feeling crappy, tummy full of gas, and wasn't looking forward to racing this dude. I just wanted to race the usual slow-coaches in Sydney (Simmo, Gnarbs, 01Busa, etc).

The guy does a big burnout. I just lined up. He sets himself as though he's going to fly out of a canon. I just sat up and had my foot on the brake.

I launched like a nancy boy, had left my visor up, clicked through the gears, the visor slammed shut in 3rd gear... crossed the line and couldn't see him near me. Looked in the mirrors and I could see him on the start line.

He'd stalled and was having problems starting it!
Three Harly riders and yes I know Harleys big deal! Icon_rolleyes The Woman and I were on Bell st at the St Georges rd lights heading towards east towards Heidelberg. Three Harleys pull up with the typically huge bloke on each and one with a pillion. All 3 sat there revving the complete crap out of them the one with the pillion waited for his moment and went through the red light, the other 2 followed. The lights went green pretty much 10, 15 seconds later and sure enough I was next to them again at High st and Bell. All 3 looked at me started revving there lawn mowers again and went through the red light again. Again I was next to them at Plenty rd and Bell st, they looked at me again tried to say something to each other and then looked at me again. They couldn't run this red light because there was a tram in the middle of the road, I gave The Woman a little tap on the leg which she immediately new hang a little firmer than usual and when the lights turned green I took off, front wheel lifted and popped up again when I hit 2nd and off we wen't. We were stopped at Albert st and Bell and watching my mirrors these three harley riders sat bak amongst the traffic. It wasn't a kill but a timely put back in the pecking order type of moment! Pi_thumbsup What puts the icing on the cake is the fact that there are red light cameras at St Georges rd and High st!!!!!! This is what me and The Woman did, Lol2
Woman,where's my wallet?
And whats for tea?
Somehow racing cars doesn't float my boat.....

When I was much younger I found my vf400 could out accellerate 90% of road cars, so theres nothing much to prove on a busa.

Each to their own I suppose.

I was more impressed when i was "killed"
hotted up cb900,bigbore ,cams ,exhaust etc waiting to enter traffic on Dandy road oakleigh, had filtered thru to the front next to a Mazda bongo van... small gap in fast moving traffic.. just about to go and the van revs up , i pulled the clutch back in from the drag point deciding there was only room for one of us and he was bigger, van launched front wheels airborne ... turbo rotary , quiet and bloody fast..
love it when someone has more power than they need ....

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