volvi the tosser
This is my understanding of how things evolved, but only those that were there in 99 would know the true history.

I understand that Peter Lee setup the "Suzuki Hayabusa Resource" webpage and allowed the club to use the FORUM discussion board as it's discussion pages.
The forum that we used to use on EZYBOARD was in fact just a link page from Peter Lee's website.

Peter Lee moved to the Northern Territory some years ago but still maintains the resourse pages under a different host site.
Here is a link but it is also at the top of the home page of our club menus.

I am sure that someone will correct me if this is wrong, as they always do.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
I knew that I had read the club history fairly recently and here it is, in Volvi's own words.
It can be found on the HOME PAGE of our own website. Yes, there is a link to it in our menu at the top of the forum page.

"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Good... that's settled... although... damn it Kawa... I have to admit... if Volvi says he started the board... I just believe him. He's never lied to me before.... can't see him starting now.

The wisdom of a week long cooling off period is really starting to make sense to me.
Astrobusa Wrote:Good... that's settled... although... damn it Kawa... I have to admit... if Volvi says he started the board... I just believe him. He's never lied to me before.... can't see him starting now.

The wisdom of a week long cooling off period is really starting to make sense to me.

Dont be damming anyone Astro , i just asked a question and Astro i didnt refer to Volvi as I fibber.
Jindy Loop
Well, I think I've sat back long enough. I was considering deleting my membership of this board, however, it looks like common sence will prevail. Busgo, Volvi you are both to be congratulated.

Keep up the good work, just remember, there are some members who realy do appreciate your efforts to clean up the board.

Hopefully, DJ may have a change of heart after xmas and return to the fold.

To all those who continue to seem hell bent on draging this board down, GET A LIFE, AND GO POST SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!!!!!
NEMESIS Wrote:So i havent been on in a while due to having real f*&^ing
problems an beein in hospital for 4 days.
take a f*&^ing rest mate.
i met you at the railway station and we chatted , you were easy going and amicable too chat with .
let all this crap be water under the bridge.
chill out and relax no use getting heated over it .
killer1300 Wrote:Volvi, power tripping tosser who couldn't even point people to another forum while he closes this one.

I hear some people know the code to the database of this site as well. Looks like he is not making any friends!

Poor volvi - dont hold on too tight to your club as it will slip from your hands
Dont you just love keyboard hero's
you believe your right and have the conviction to stand up and say it , then say it under your own name.
Dont hide behind the anonimity of the keyboard.
say what you mean and mean what you say , if not f*** off.
+1 DocClap
For the record. I didnt reply to comments questioning wether I was the club founder because history speaks for itself and so does the truth and didnt warrant a reply. The history page I wrote on the main website is there and I stand by every word I said. I aknowledged all those that were participating in the club formation. I did not seek to disregard anyone that had a hand in it, and I thanked them all for theyre efforts.

There are those here whos agenda is to sew discord amongst members and bring disrepute to the board, you dont have to be a genius to see their consistency in their posts. There are those to that seek to dirty my name at any given opportunity, its nothing new to me.

For the record, Peter Lee who was and still is in Darwin and then the only busa owner there, had his own site of Hayabusa resources. When I approached him regarding initiating a page on his site to start the club off he gladly obliged but said to me he has no interest in being part of this club but would be happy to help out as a webmaster in assisting it to get off the ground through his site. Which he gladly did. Thats why he never posted in any of the forums, maybe 1 or 2 at the very most in all 8 years and why you never heard or saw him at any of our meets. His interest was in mantaining his Resources page and not in the club. As webmaster he assisted in opening up an ezyboard at my request because we had outgrown the facility on his page. I together with Richard and Les met Peter Lee when he came to Melbourne for a brief visit in those early years. He is a great guy and wish him all success and his website which is quite unique with a fountain of information on the busa and is recognised for it worldwide.

So there, I have not said anything new, it is as I stated on our History page. I leave it to you to believe as you wish. The truth holds to itself inspite of attempts made to distort it.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
keep up the good work guys
Maybe Suzuki needs a new advertising campaign... something ike this...

"HAYABUSA.... fukkwits need not apply"

I love this forum, keep it up Volvi and Admin.
(Townsville, QLD)

www.stickersuperstore.com.au (for your sticker and sign needs)

Smitten 03 with a hair dryer - slammed and stretched (stealth mode engaged)
im no angel when it comes to thread hijacking Hijacked etc. however the things that have been said on this board recently are way beyond a bit of off track banter so to the admin team i say do what you deem necesary i think some rules and some clean up would be a good thing for this board and i support it. to volvi, busgo,DJ(if he returns) and Rod keep it up there are more members here who support you than who want to hang shit on you they most probably dont wanna get involved in the shit slinging so know you have alot of friends of here.

I will say one thing i support everything done thus far by admins but we must keep a check on the rules and make sure that new rules implemented at anytime are for the good of everyone in the club not jsut a rule for the sake of having rules.

Keep at it admins the club will come out of this shit heap with your guidance.Pi_thumbsup

Hi Volvi, thanks for the consideration. I really do appreciate it.
On another, as mentioned here, Can I ask where the Busa resource page is - the www addy? I haven't seen it but would like to as I love anything Busa1

Thanks old man.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
max http://www.hyp4r.com/hayabusa/hayabusa.htm

Dan85 Wrote:max http://www.hyp4r.com/hayabusa/hayabusa.htm
Thanks Dantheman. I'm going to mak another trip North into the guts of Qld next year. You had better be home this time!!!Beer

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!

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