Admins on a power trip
banned people

Berlinwall joined yetserday and now banned great for the club I reckon

Was Mechanix being banned any surprise to anyone? I don't think so.

I have no idea why BerlinWall was banned, but I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation that will come to light at some point.

Some destructive and pointless threads have also been removed. Suddenly the board is about riding, bikes and bike related topics again. From my point of view, that's a good thing.

The point is that some radical changes need to be made and the admins are doing what is best for the board. You're another long time member - is it really that difficult for you to make a few minor changes and observe a few codes of conduct for the good of the board?

Before you go off half cocked, wait it out a few weeks until things settle down and we get a bit of structure wrapped around what happens here. Then you might find it's not so hard to live with.
I understand that Berlinwall was Mechanix coming back as another entity, was him in drag so to speak. he asked for and got. Lets move on. he gets to come back after his period of being banned, I think. Isn't this all about our hayabusas?

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
i think theres a boo boo made with berlinwall. so lets not rush to conclusions just yet. In fact Im convinced hes genuine after checking out his site, even the reasons behind the name berlinwall. better lift the banning.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
Yep, I did make an error and will gladly admit it with the temporary barring of berlinwall.
His ID has proven to be legit but at the time I couldn't take the chance.
It was a very short lived barring and berlinwall probably doesn't even know that he was barred.
Thanks for clearing it up Volvi.

I have sent berlinwall a PM to clear up the matter.

Yes it is a power trip Bill. Unfortunately it is a necessary evil that I would much rather have never had to do.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
BUSGO Wrote:Yep, I did make an error and will gladly admit it with the temporary barring of berlinwall.
His ID has proven to be legit but at the time I couldn't take the chance.
It was a very short lived barring and berlinwall probably doesn't even know that he was barred.
Thanks for clearing it up Volvi.
Yes it is a power trip Bill. Unfortunately it is a necessary evil that I would much rather have never had to do.

he does know he was barred cause he was online earlier,i dont blame him if he doesn't bother coming back, what a way to welcome a new member Idiot2

Jindy Loop
[Image: 583b3abf-1.jpg]
Maybe a longer trip would do the job.

Jindy Loop
or we could just check the facts first. sorry busgo your new to the thankless job i know but a newbie?
keep up the good work guys every one makes mistakes all we can do is limit the damage lol
black13 Wrote:
BUSGO Wrote:Yep, I did make an error and will gladly admit it with the temporary barring of berlinwall.
His ID has proven to be legit but at the time I couldn't take the chance.
It was a very short lived barring and berlinwall probably doesn't even know that he was barred.
Thanks for clearing it up Volvi.
Yes it is a power trip Bill. Unfortunately it is a necessary evil that I would much rather have never had to do.

he does know he was barred cause he was online earlier,i dont blame him if he doesn't bother coming back, what a way to welcome a new member Idiot2

Jindy Loop

That is what I was basically getting at I think you guys give mechaX way way to much credit for even trying to come back as someone else let alone to change his ip address You guys really need to do a Santa here check things twice to see who is norti or nice before banning people

Berlinwall please forgive our incompetent Admins here the silly season has gotten to them and they do not know what the hell they are doing
I think as a admin myself if something as serious as baning a member is needed it should only come from volvi so if any member of this forum has a problem with a member take it up with with a admin to try and sort out. then if there is still a problem it should be brought to vilvi attention to see where we go from there. but as a admin i would defently say im not on no power trip and never will . i just want this club to be ran as smooth as possible i dont think that is to much to ask.
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
kawasuki Wrote:
xhiler8r Wrote:
BUSGO Wrote:

Might change my avatar to KKK (Kindness Killer Klan)

f*** me you guys are a tough room to play to. At this stage we have Ray and Bill acting like they are the moral majority and speaking for the whole club...have a listen guys...... if you're not sprouting shit about the admins....there's absolute silence. That should tell you that the rest of us are a little (no bugger it...LOTS) sick and tired of the continual attacks heaped on the leaders of this board. How about putting your heads back in your trousers and giving them a go at rebuilding what we had rather than sinking more nails into the boards coffin.

Off my soapbox.

MaxHayabusa is what this is all about.
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Madmax Wrote:I understand that Berlinwall was Mechanix coming back as another entity, was him in drag so to speak. he asked for and got. Lets move on. he gets to come back after his period of being banned, I think. Isn't this all about our hayabusas?


well max you obviously didnt know a fucken thing what you were talking about then do you. I cracked a shit over a newbie getting banned for no reason after his first post and it was a not a post of any harm or abuse in anyway. Yes the person who banned him has appolgised lets just hope that he forgives the board for kicking him out and actually does return and Max the banning has only started in the last month and for the previous 8 years there has not been one person banned so maybe you should pull your head out of your own ass and understand why i posted what i did before you atart getting all high and mighty on your gold plated soap box.Have a read through another thread and see how blatently Ray is geting abused and yet the admins are not doing a god damn thing about that are they !!!!

QUOTE BY XXXDAMOXXX : ooh and for that shallow red neck c*** kawasuki mmmmmmmm geee what a name to have in the hayabus club or would you like me to under line the word hayabusa for you. to carry on about a f*&^ing bee grow up c*** at least what trix had to say about some peoples avatar wasn't stupid or shallow, and i do see that in your profile that your sex is undisclosed, what you havn't worked out yet that you have a little pee wee or a set of flaps or can we all assume that you might be a shim and you have a great passion in f*&^ing yourself every night.
As you can see it doesn't take much to be a heartless prick aswell
xhiler8r Wrote:[quote=Madmax]

Bill, you've missed the point completely bloke. I have no problems with having my head up my arse, my head certainly looks better that way! I'm suggesting that you give them a go bloke, nothing more, nothing less. Ray is just stirring because he does that shit. You're serious. Will it get us anywhere? No! not one inch closer to getting this sorted and back on track. The admins are only human after all, well okay maybe not Volvi - at his age he's damned near supernatural! Let;s give them some leeway and stop looking for excuses to put shit on them.

What you think worth a go or what?

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Yeh its worth a go i guess all i want is consistency ban one ban all I reckon dont go playing favourites
xhiler8r Wrote:Yeh its worth a go i guess all i want is consistency ban one ban all I reckon dont go playing favourites
You're a good bloke. Thanks


Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!

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