Anyone know a good vehicle airbrush artist?
Hey all,

Trying to get in touch with a good airbrush artist.

Anyone know of one in VIC?

Matt Egan, probably one of the best around. He does all the air work/pin-striping etc on the street machine cars (Fat57, fatGTO etc) he also did the work on the red busa thats getting to a lot of bike shows lately winning all the awards.
There's a guy in Berwick ,works from home.
Seen a flame job on a ute that looked good.

Sorry but can't think of his name.
Yellow pages?
you can also look up "daniel Power", he does really great work (melbourne based) but I should warn you he has his head well and truly up his own arse however if you want a true flame effect he's probably the best guy to talk too.

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